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Flows can fluctuate by several feet in a short period of time. So no big change in flows yet in the Oak. Johnson Creek had a nice bump in flows and got stained and guys reported some salmon on the move there. We have a new logo that cleverly looks a lot like the old one! Forecast is for precipitation again Wednesday and a chance of showers thru the end of the week. Any future precipitation could raise flows and bring back dirty water color. Ernie Calandrelli has been slapping the eyes with harnesses. So far we are probably looking at some fish from earlier higher water and new fish trickling in on medium-ish flows instead of one bigger batch of fish on a blow out event. Water level fluctuations are still common thanks to hydropower operations and at least in the downstream fast water areas when flows are reduced, theres been just a handful of mostly browns revealed. But this will always prompt you to accept/refuse cookies when revisiting our site. Any significant precipitation could raise all the trib flows back high and dirty. Oak Orchard River Salmon Fishing (Any Cat Fish at the Dam?) The weather continues with near record warmth! Classic scenario in the Oak where dirty water color lags behind the highest flows. After a cold night last night, look for a further drop in flows all around and clearing water color. Anglers on the Oak reported small pods of Kings on the move thru the fast water areas yesterday. Well have to wait and see how much they rise and open up and how much additional snow accumulations like in the Oak upper watershed get things rolling. Theres been on and off good action like at the Archers Club and some Kings continue to drop back from the dam. Theres some renewed icing in the fast water stretches of the area smaller tribs. A few more guys out on the Oak today than the past weekend, but still not all that much fishing pressure. Flows in the Oak are slightly high with 1 2 ft of stained visibility. End of week there is the chance for mixed bag precipitation and Lake Effect Snow for the weekend. Some decent brown trout action now for most anglers on the Oak seemingly on the backside of these most recent higher flows. Given somewhat of the late start to the salmon action, Id have to say that we might only be amidships in the run.Look for Kings arriving into start of November. Its unknown how much longer Canal drainage flows will last but it likely is not that long. Chris Megan from On the Water mag gets a top notch net job from Bill to land this trophy early in the season fresh male brown trout! The river is still very dangerous to wade at 10k+, so be careful! Widewaters is never drawn-down and is the hot spot for bass this time of year. Mike Grager from Get Hooked Sportfishing: Today we had a young army veteran out for his first time fishing salmon on Lake Ontario!! Any given half day outing yielding something like a few hook ups. Stay informed with the below web page. We are living and experiencing all the fishing action directly or thru trusted reports of other die hard anglers as it happens. Temps are forecast in the lower 30sF for highs and dropping back into the 20s at night with some colder temps in the upcoming forecast. All non club members are reminded to act as courteous and responsible guests so that we may all enjoy the fishing access there now and in the future. A few guys report crowding, but as compared to say last year Id have to say there are a few less guys out and about. Hook ups may come a little harder for guys used to lower flows. First, take advantage of mature king, coho salmon and brown trouts urge to seek the river waters around the piers at the Point Breeze pier, channel, and bay casting with brightly colored spoons is the ticket, especially predawn and at sunset. Those waterways do seem to be slowly back on the retreat. With the final weekend of the Lake Ontario Counties Fall Derby approaching, it is important to be in the contest if you are on the water. Capt. Like Saturday, our bites were on spoons and meat. Canal water flow managers are likely throttling back any additional Canal releases into the tribs thanks to all the precipitation. Temps are forecast on a slow warmup over the next few days thru mid and end next week with another chance at precip later next week. Then coupled with the mixed bag of Atlantics and steelhead and cohos, the hook up chances sound pretty good. Savvy trib anglers anticipate good hook-up chances on the backside of high flows when reasonable weather and water conditions coincide! Temps forecast today in the 40sF and a little bit cooler tomorrow with a chance of rain/snow showers later Wednesday. Water visibility was about 6-foot at the time. Flows in the Oak are about med and slightly stained with about 2 ft of viz. On the Oak guys are getting brown trout hook ups each day with that action seeming to heat up as the fresh salmon action begins to cool down. Sorry it took so long! Hungry post spawn browns like this semi golden male are eager to bite your spoon, plug or fly. The imagery will change every 6 months to promote the upcoming fishing season. John Troutman Oravec from Tightlines Charters, Thankful for that continued Erie Canal water feed for select tribs as the forecasted precipitation at this time not likely to cause a big change in trib flows. Most successful trollers are still a bit off shore at least in the 80+ FOW range or more for best action (pictured below). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning when you click the links and make a purchase, we receive a commission. At 100, temps were 50 (fairly warm to start) and 42 at the end of the day. Consider how wet its been for months now, the high water tables, saturated fields and brim full swamp headwater supplies and youll come to realize the typical slow rise and quick fall of trib levels is going to occur more like quick rise and slow fall. Flows in the Oak down just a touch, maybe some of that love from Canal water being shared with Johnson Creek is responsible for that. Then theres the building King numbers at the dam, fish numbers probably outpacing the creeling pressure to this point. Salmon will likely be found from the estuary up through town. All the water is open to fish with some bank ice here and there in slack water areas. Chance of mixed bag precipitation and snow thru tomorrow and early Thursday. Back to some winter like weather and temps for now. After the extremely high water we have had the last two weeks it is finally receded enough to produce safer wading conditions. Please check our website, at, for the current CFS. In the Oak, flows are moderate and mostly clear and likewise may hold onto those fair moderate flows instead of dropping back to real low. This will entice more brown trout, steelhead and Atlantic and Pacific salmon to run up these streams, improving conditions for the fish and expanding opportunities for anglers. That may well all blow out after this latest round of precipitation. Long range forecast looks more or less winter-like thru next week and so this may be the settling in of winter conditions that could last for more than a couple days. Chance of rain and colder temps and windy conditions for the end of the week but back to relatively mild temps again by the weekend. Water color is real nice at slightly stained 2 ft of visibility so drift chances for now are the best theyve been so far this late winter/early spring period. Fresh silver browns too and chance for bonus steelhead or salmon. Theres still lots of upstream headwater swamp supplies in the Oak. If you stayed patient and made some drifts or swings when the good flows returned by mid Apr you could be rewarded with a hungry drop back steelhead. There was some action reported downstream off of Park Ave too yesterday. Hopefully they can move to and get in and out of the smaller area tribs that they are dredging next with minimal impact on salmon and trout migrations. That will subsequently melt. Anglers seeing and having hook up success on browns is encouraging we are likely on a trajectory to out pace last years brown trout action already. Most fish came from 50-90 down (44 degrees to 60-degree water) under 74-degree surface waters. Releases may change due to weather and other conditions. On recon today I saw only a few guys parked at the dam. Remember the turbine channel can only get so high due to how much flow can pass thru the hydro plant. If theres steelhead in the Oak then more then likely theres a few slinking up those smaller waterways too. Meaning flows are back on a slow retreat now but water color prob wont be the dirtiest itll be until today or tomorrow. Windy too, with rain showers but at least no snow from the latest storm here on the WNY Lake Ontario Plain. (Some fresh salmon are still likely to be in the mix easily thru November). Good steelhead action for fresh fish up and down the OOrchard River on retreating and clearing flows for begin of Mar 2017. The beast was part of a triple. You can feel the Spring change in the weather now and with ice cover going away on Lake Alice, there will be the typical warming of water temps in the Oak. Brown trout like this rutted out nice fish are eager strikers and you might encounter steelhead, salmon, lakers or bass. At the Oak Billboard on the NYS Thruway. Oak Orchard Tackle & Lodge supports pen rearing and any efforts for the betterment of the trib/open Lake fishery collectively and believes both trib and open Lake conservation minded anglers in collaboration with NYSDEC should cooperate for continued World Class trout and salmon fishing opportunities. Hours are 7 am till 5pm. Not a dozen hook ups for a morning effort, but at least a few that might include a couple steelhead or a couple browns. Leaf fall is underway so expect daily water level fluctuations thanks to turbine rack cleaning at the dam. The last time it was dredged was in 2014. Captain Mikes recommendation is using mainly a flasher fly bite yellow flashers, blue green flies. Look for flows to stay up with the stained water color. Look for flows to stay up in the near term falling back probably only to slightly high. Both inshore structure, mid water and offshore has a mixed bag catch available. Fish as soon as reasonable conditions allow instead of waiting for supposed better conditions that may or may not materialize. Land lubbers and small boat casters and small boat trollers and streamer casters all can get in on the cool water near shore action while it lasts. The brown trout action in nearby tribs that was pretty good is a little slower lately thanks to the lower and clearer flows. Either way, flows consist of a strong head of turbine water that could be close to full bore. With no real winter to come out of and trib and open lake water temps all on the warmer side, who knows for sure how the steelhead gods will play things out over the next couple months?! Fishing pressure most days pretty agreeable with salmon anglers falling out of the mix now and only mod numbers of guys pursuing brown trout so far. 2021. For now flows in the Oak are something like a notch less then medium and going clear. Downstream frog water areas are all open with no icing conditions yet. Production of hard copies is finished and have been delivered to License Issuing Agents. The 2021 New York State fishing guide can be found at for downloading and printing at home. Thanks to the flash freeze after end of last weeks high water, even with the overflow cranking, flows did retreat quickly and never really got too dirty to fish in the Oak. Apr 29 winds are forecasted light and prevailing westerly. Last week, on good flows, there was good action, then tougher again thru the past weekend on higher flows and now this week before another potential rise in flows there are a few more guys out there getting scattered hook ups. See our list of charters and guides HERE. As we started getting into 90-100 we noticed a ton of bait and big fish on the bottom. The last time it was dredged was in 2014. For more information, visit our website at and click on the Fishing Report along the top bar on the home page. And that is part of the formula for steelhead hookups being on the water after a spate of water.

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