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A ban has been issued on your username. He can do the crime, but not the time. When there is Newt-like boldness and lack of humility (and repeated transgression)it really rubs Mormons the wrong way. Mitt might be a political opportunist to some degree, but at least I believe he sincerely wants to help and represent those he governs. I do believe the recent one was, but I admit I havent seen any source documents myself clarifying that. In the interim period, the person is considered to be without benefit of saving ordinances, so should that person die during that time, s/he is left out in the cold from a salvation perspective. My unfamiliarity with these practices makes them seem extreme and even psychotic. Get that minor non-salvific point outta here. I was alive and well during the 90s and apparently some people have incredibly short memories, or are desperate or both. His latest rant of extreme importance is about how government under Pres. There, she ran into her cousin, Julie Taggart, who told her she had left The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, founded by Joseph Smith, the brother of Ida Smith's great-great grandfather, Hyrum Smith. He married Jerusha Barden in November 1826. Mormons have a particular hatred for philandering husbands. Finally, I think the inability of Huntsman to get any traction among Mormons probably says more about how our religion leads us to view candidates. ", source: I know a number of Mormons who are extremely judgmental. Its situations like this that lead me to believe that when a crime is commited like molesting your daughter, go to the police first then the Bishop. One wonders when political expediency goes to situational ethics. I think Obamacare was made the litmus test. He cavorts with top Democrats while declaring political war against them as if it never happened. They really believe that what they believe is really real and that is Jesus is real. A member fellow here cheats on his wife, emotionally abuses her, molests his daughter. He was born Oct.16, 1943 . Also if one critiques Romney for not being an economic conservative that goes in spades for Santorum. There will be overflow facilities available in the adjacent ward house. Not necessarily. I read an article about Hyrum Smith, the founder of the Franklin Planner, who publicly confessed to an extramarital affair. He was a master communicator, combining wit and good storytelling to teach principles that incite lasting personal change. I better worry about my own . Eine andere -Site. The family would also like to thank the nurses from Dixie Hospice for the excellent service they provided. Though the spirits of all men who come to mortality overcame the enticements of Satan and his followers when they resided in the presence of God in their first estate . Because of his position as Assistant President of the Church, it is likely that Smith would have succeeded Joseph and become the next president of the church had he outlived his brother. Bear in mind that he was in year two of another six-year affair at the time. . The narrative has always been that he was Joseph's closest friend and confidante and thus should have been aware of his brother's lies and deceptions. Having been formerly married to a philanderer like Newt I wouldnt trust him as far as I could throw him if he will lie and cheat on his multiple wives, Im sure he will lie and cheat on me as President of the U.S. Hyrum Smith is as big a dirtbag as Newt. Apparently things happened in the 90s as well as in the 70s. See the Book of Mormon. Im a person who hasnt committed adultery twice when my spouse was gravely ill. And Im a Mormon. -Hypocritical See Section 132. Cowdery was excommunicated on April 12, 1838. Delusions of grandeur? McKay stated that Joseph F. Smith had never been formally disfellowshipped or excommunicated. Part 10. Is Romney the right president for this time? How many people make a profit off their adultery by writing a book about it? 7. There will be overflow facilities available in the adjacent ward house. Probably it depends more on where we live too, small towns are more judgmental and know each others business. Dennis Miller once riffed on the fact that so many prison inmates were being born again while on death row. I could go on, but this is enough for now that its more than his sexual history that is problematic. 2017 Purposeful Retirement Workbook & Planner. Privacy Policy. I cant speak for all Mormons, but certainly Newts marital infidelities color my thinking, especially when he hypocritically publicly talks family values while privately destroying them. In 1834, under the direction of Joseph Smith, he recruited members for a militia, Zion's Camp, and traveled with the group to the aid of the Latter Day Saints in Missouri. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Of course thats til November, when, if it ends up being a Romney Obama battle, then loss of agency is likely to be the sin du jour.). 3 Born at Tunbridge, Orange Co., Vermont. I do think we are harder on adultery, but I think in Newts case its more the hypocrisy on top of repeat offenses. For more information, please see our At the time of his death, Smith was an independent candidate for the Illinois state legislature.[8]. He participated in the standard Basic Training followed by Advanced Infantry Training (AIT), NCO Academy (Non-Commissioned Officer Academy) and Officer Candidate School (OCS) finishing as the Honor Graduate and top in his class in all four trainings. Newt is evil and unhinged, and Ron Paul has policies that I see as dangerous or unreasonable. 0:00 1:00 IVINS, Utah Author, businessman, motivational speaker and philanthropist Hyrum W. Smith died Nov. 18 after being diagnosed with terminal cancer in July. His eldest son, John Smith, served as the church's Presiding Patriarch from 1855 to 1911. Open acceptance of his own hypocrisy? It is about this relationship with God that drives a real believer of Jesus to do the things that most churches will try to impose on their practitioners such as the excommunication from the church and then some process of prescribed accomplishments to get back into a good standing. Recipient Public Service award Association Federal Investigators, Washington, 1988. hyrum wayne smith excommunicated. Kevin Smith, Tuacahns CEO (and Hyrums nephew), estimated that it was the single largest contribution to an independent arts organization in Utah. He was 76. It was in the 90s that it came out Hyrum Smith was having an affair with a secretary. So it was a shock in 1998 when the church excommunicated Hyrum W. Smith. 2. I remember. My reasoning for not liking Newt has nothing at all to do with his sex life. Hyrum W. Smith is the founder of Franklin Quest Company and hosts seminars focused on productivity and belief. Hyrum is maybe the biggest the conundrum in the entire saga. He was one of the Eight Witnesses who swore to the reality of a set of golden plates inscribed with the Book of Mormon. and our a firm and chewy baked product contains gluten; is chuck drummond still alive; homes for rent by owner in calumet city, il; houma news live; did adam bowles leave kthv He named the system after Benjamin Franklin, the inventor and statesman, who also kept a small notebook for daily jottings and observations. And I have seen them return to full faith and fellowship, with marriages that seem stronger than they were before the infidelities. Oh, and bytheway, once I realized the whole Latter-day gospel wasn't true, I dropped my desire for polygamy like a hot potato. (Im not making a charge, nor am I wishing to create a threadjack, but it seems were much more likely to rate adultery as a worse sin than political expediency. His most recent book is Purposeful Retirement. Smith died Monday in Gunlock, Utah, from cancer, according to an announcement Friday by FranklinCovey Co., the company he co-founded. He was appointed Second Counselor in the church's First Presidency in November 1837. Smith refused and, in 1844, traveled with Joseph to Carthage, Illinois, where both were charged with riot and treason. Romney had to spend millions to get people not to trust a multiple adulterer whos sole campaign is best around his rhetorical barbs. Anyone? The South Carolina primaries closed at 9:00 but Newts marraige will be open all night.. Smith didn't anticipate the Rosetta stone. I do not think Latter-day Saints are more judgmental than other groups, but I do think we are easily as judgmental. In 1918, Smith's descendants erected a monument to him in the Salt Lake City Cemetery. Mercy cant rob justice. Maybe. We all know we all sin, but not feeling remorse, trying to cover it up, or not owning up to the consequences makes us think the sinners should have to payor it is not fair to the rest of us. Thats the whole point of repentance. This site is designed to make many of the works of Dr. Andrus available to those who are interested. Song. I also believe that Newt gets a free pass from many social conservatives, both because of the concept of the persistence of grace and the convenient fact that Newt is not a member of a cult like Romney.. Those of us who remember the 90s feel betrayed by him. Hyrum Andrus explains all of this very well, here is a link. Ive known men, both in and out of the church, who have cheated on their wives. Ida Smith, the great-great granddaughter of Hyrum Smith, who became convinced that Nemelka was called of God after reading The Sealed Portion, donated her plot to Nemelka. The Smith Family would like to especially thank the many friends that came to visit, called on the phone, sent emails and cards and brought food in the last few months of Hyrums life. My dad is very tough on those who have committed adultery and have not sought forgiveness. I find the suggestion that Mormon divorce is harder socially on husbands to be a real generalization. You can see a brief biography here of your ancestor ( ). Hyrum W. Smith is a distinguished author, speaker, and businessman. Its not as much Newts serial adultery when his wives were seriously ill (which is almost rock bottom sick in and of themselves) and the political opportunism described by his second wife (Callista will help me become President.), but his utter lack of remorse and repentance coupled with his dome-sized ego and his (I believe intentional and calculated) focus on manipulating the angry (Tea Party) and scared (evangelicals). Can someone explain comment #14 to me? Press J to jump to the feed. How many people that he excommunicated when he was stake president (and he having his long-term affair while Stake President) have come back to the church? Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. This is a tension found among the Gospels, with Joseph Smith doing some harmonizing work. -Is not worthy of respect Yet, if I compare our cultural views of repentance to a more stringent process such as corporeal mortification, practiced by only the most devout Catholics, I dont necessarily find that more empathetic or more admirable. Joseph, Hyrum, John Taylor and Willard Richards were held awaiting trial in a jail in Carthage. He was then assigned to a nuclear capable Pershing Missile unit in Schwaebisch Gmeund, Germany where he was initially Firing Platoon leader, followed by being the Headquarters & Headquarters Battery Commander. Does the fact that Mormons are more educated on average than Evangelicals make us more likely to identify hypocrisy? Hyrum used to always say "If you want to really known your religion, you need to study the men that knew Joseph". Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret Morning News 1 of 3 Hyrum Smith, co-founder of Franklin Covey, stands on a bridge on the company's West Valley grounds. In Newts words: it may make me more normal than somebody who wanders around seeming perfect and maybe not understanding the human condition, and the challenges of life for normal people.. (Photograph at Church History Library, Salt Lake City.) Marysville, Ohio. 4 Son of Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack. You have been permanently banned from this board. Whos tuff on sin? I dont want Romney to win the general election, but I feel proud when he does well. That is a difficult task to obey. Perhaps its just a matter of degree. Did he do something bad? He is grateful for the experiences he had with his Magnificent 17 as the Boy Scouts Explorer advisor in Orem Utah. Its not that Im harder on sin (although I am, compared to mot evangelicals); its that Im harder on pure, unadulterated, rank, boundless hypocrisy, manipulation and ego. And great questions. I dont consider the reaction to Newt being so much about Mormons, so much as it proves just how full of shit Evangelicals are it comes to their pro-family rhetoric. I think Romney should call Gingrich the Georgia Gigolo. In August 1843, he married and was sealed to two plural wives: Mercy Fielding Thompson, widow of Robert B. Thompson and sister to Hyrum's wife Mary; and Catherine Phillips.[11]. Smith was a close advisor and confidant to his brother Joseph as the latter produced the Book of Mormon and established the Church of Christ. As others in the comments have alluded, what bother me about Newt is his saying stuff like this: It doesnt matter what I do. I feel very judgemental criticizing another person like this, I wish not to do it, and Im sorry for throwing some of the comments back at you, but this post made me sink into despair. @26-I would hope the bishop would investigate!, how I have no idea but still. Depending on the bishops assessment, the person may also undergo a church disciplinary court in which s/he may be disfellowshipped or excommunicated, requiring eventual rebaptism after at least a year waiting period. 5. These questions have been discussed to death elsewhere on the Bloggernacle, and I dont want to derail the conversation, but I think the Sunday School judgmental attitude towards adultery, church history, and my family history make this all very complicated. The flat out hypocrisy with which Romney spews out his paranoia of fear and violence speaks to an unstable and compartmentalized mind. According to the interviewer "Unlike many of today's . The Smiths became arts patrons, donating a total of $23 million to the Tuacahn Center for the Arts in Ivins. says that her husband did all this stuff and the bishop doesnt believe her well, if there is no evidence except for one witness who backs off, that is not enough to do anything under the two or three witnesses rule. In 1838 and 1839, Hyrum, Joseph and three other church leaders shared a jail cell in Liberty, Missouri, while awaiting trial. I dont think so, as pretty much all the candidates did so, although he was briefly the most successful of them. Having an uncle or grandfather make me feel more comfortable because I relate to him is one thing, but if you are going to ask me who can help my family get out of a crisis, and who can help lead me into better economic situations and be safer for tomorrowI will vote my Dad who wasnt always around because hes responsible and hard working and has a track record of getting things done. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. He is very proud of what Tuacahn Center for the Arts has become. he's revealed the 116 lost pages as well as the sealed portion, I am curious about Brither Alvin. Nonetheless, I stand by my statement that Mormons have a big problem with adultery, and I do think we are dismissive of what we consider incomplete repentance, including other faiths repentance steps.

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