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What does it mean that God is immutable? [42] Matthew Henry (1662-1714), Commentary on the Bible, on Ezra 10:1-5. Behold the effect of Christ dwelling in two hearts by faith (Eph 3:17) as Tertullian (155-220) knew it. 21:1; 1 Kings 22:22-23; 2 Sam. Giving; App; About Us; Find a Church; . Titles / MP3 Files: 01) General Introduction 02) Of The Holy Scriptures 03) Of God and of The Holy Trinity 04) Of God's Decree 05) Of Creation 06) Of Divine Providence [39]Ezras treatment of unlawful unions is a response Israels spiritual declension. Small wonder, then, if preaching and counsel on marriage often reflects more exasperation than exposition. See The Gospel Ministers Maintenance Vindicated (1689), Second Argument, in Renihan, Faith and Life for Baptists, 159. Reviewed in the United States on September 20, 2017. His voice shook the earth then, and the warning is upgraded commensurate with his glorified state, the giving of the Spirit and word, and his eternal rule (cf. Was this actual divorce, or a separation order from scandalous living arrangements? Gods glory in redeeming sinners is the final aim of marriage, and indeed, all of life (Isa 43:7); Scripture proclaims a God who aims at far more than what we can get out of marriage. 6:17, Dan. 1.19 miles away Location. And this was first put forth about the year 1643, in the name of seven congregations then gathered in London; since which time divers impressions thereof have been dispersed abroad, and our end proposed in good measure answered, inasmuch as many (and some of those men eminent both for piety and learning) were thereby satisfied that we were no way guilty of those heterodoxies and fundamental errors which had too frequently been charged upon us without ground or occasion given on our part. 6:4; Jer. See less. Ezra required Israel to put away their foreign women some 15 years prior to Nehemiahs encounter, demonstrating an honorable zeal for purity and reformation according to Gods word, though Scripture never presents his solution as normative. So when he writes, he explains things as he would to one of his church body. Poole, Commentary, I.881-83; H.G.M. [17] So David Dickson (1583-1663): Bigamy and polygamy, take away the true peace of a wedded lifeand the invention of bigamy, was the device of a wicked man Lamech, Gen 4:19, Truths Victory Over Error, XXIV.I. May 18. 1655 Midland Confession of Faith. May 31. THIS IS THE PAPERBACK EDITION OF OUR DELUXE 1689 CONFESSION OF FAITH. Pride of place goes to the Three Forms of Unity, Baptist edition Hercules Collins(1646/7-1702) An Orthodox Catechism (1680), the Second London Baptist Confession (1689), and the Baptist Catechism (1693). Picture 1 . [46] Heb 12 declares Jesus as both Sinais thundering lawgiver whom Israel heard (vv 18-21,25f), and the new covenants exalted mediator, who speaks again from heaven by his word (vv 24f). Families are to fill, care for, and rule over the earth in a way that brings him honor, and that starts with the imagebearers living under my roof. 2LC references Neh 10 as an anchor for its prohibition of exogamy by defending the exclusivity and sanctity of covenanted Christian marriage. This chapter contains briefcomments on the doctrines of Original Sin, Federal Headship and Total Depravity. May 31 Of . Does God know all things? It need not be denied that a slight revision of the 1689 Confession is necessary here. Failing to honor Gen 2:24s pattern of leaving all others, cleaving to one another, and weaving two lives into one is where most marital strife occurs, but the Bible offers no remedies of consensual manipulation popularly accepted as godly counsel. Brian Malcolm. Nehemiahs response, closing out the OT canon, bears no insinuation of putting away an unregenerate spouse after marriage (contra 1 Cor 7:10-13), but rather displays the consistency of the biblical witness that believers must marry only in the Lord (1 Cor 7:39). Our Confession is distinctive in that the Baptist authors then incorporated the Savoy's polity statements concerning the local church into our Confession itself. The earthly family points to the eternal family; our earthly dominion points to his eternal dominion. As Matthew Henry summarized, such marriages are sinful, and ought not to be made, but they are not null.[42] Pauls focus in 1 Cor 7 is the overlapping-but-distinct third category of the unbelieving spouse abandoning the Christian. 1929), Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage in the Bible; and Newheiser (b. This 17th century Puritan visions practical outworking receives lovely illustration in a 2nd century summary. Reagan Marsh is husband to Kara, daddy to RG & AG, and founding Pastor-Teacher to Reformation Baptist Church. Chapter 14. [49] See Kittel, Theological Dictionary of the NT, VI.579-95; Brown, Dictionary of NT Theology, I.497-501. There was a problem loading your book clubs. The NT plainly forbids weaponizing or incentivizing it (vv 2-5,9), but Christians must also take care that their enjoying liberty does not occasion indulging lust or strengthening idolatry. in Bercot, A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs, Kindle edition, loc. 24:1; 1Chron. Saints bought by his blood should find a particular heinousness in unions with those who deny our Lord with their lives or lips. [45] See the helpful Table of Kindred and Affinity in The 1552 Book of Common Prayer, 714. James Ussher (1581-1656) states it plainly, calling it an abuse of lawful marital intimacy, over against a holy use: When the honorable and chaste estate of Matrimony is used to wantonness, and not with moderation and seemliness, [it is intemperance], 1 Ths 4:4f. Instead, Scriptures wisdom calls spouses to give mutual attention to one another in order to care for the others soul and be pleasing to God (2 Cor 5:9), expressed by the one-anothers of the NT. to God." WE believe Marriage is Gods holy Ordinance, that is to say between one Man and one Woman: and that no Man ought to have more than one Wife at once: and that Believers that marry, should marry in the Lord, or such that are Believers, or Godly Persons; and that those who do otherwise, sin greatly, in violating Gods holy Precept: and that Ministers as well as others may marry; for Marriage is honourable in all. So when he writes, he explains things as he would to one of his church body. If Christ the lawgiver does not carry final weight for the discussion, then Christ the redeemer cannot be given weight either. 1:30. What is Sola Scriptura? other major Reformed symbols on marriage: Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575), The Second Helvetic Confession (1566), XXIX; The Westminster Confession of Faith (1647), XXIV. [33] Wollebius, Compendium Theologiae Christianae, [30], It is lawful for all sorts of people to marry, who are able with judgment to give their consent; yet it is the duty of Christians to marry in the Lord; and therefore such as profess the true religion, should not marry with infidels, or idolaters; neither should such as are godly, be unequally yoked, by marrying with such as are wicked in their life, or maintain damnable heresy. Gods goal is his glory, comprehended and cherished in godly homes, and the union of man and wife is a parable of his promises in Christ. An SBTS graduate, biblical counselor, and Th.D student in Puritan Studies, he has served in gospel ministry since 1998. 1:11, Gen. 50:20; 2 Sam. Free postage. He warned them [his OT people] on earth and now warns [us] from heaven (v 25). The London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 with the Baptist Catechism eBook : Scalf, Brandon, Particular Baptists, Puritan, Keach, Benjamin: Kindle Store Scripture names Gods binding man and wife together a covenant (Mal 2:14f; Hos 6:7), wherein they prefer one another above any earthly relation, hold fast to one another in self-giving intimate love, and blend their lives together in all things. [11] Keach, Letter to the Congregation with whom I am a Member (and the unworthy Overseer) who are in God, in Articles of Faith, op. Free postage. The Mystery of Christ, His Covenant, and His Kingdom, Edification and Beauty: The Practical Ecclesiology of the English Particular Baptists, 1675-1705, Studies in Baptist, 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates. Summary of Virginia . The 1689 Second London Baptist Confession of Faith (2LC or 1689 hereafter) offers much help here in both grasping and giving the eternal nature of Christian truth. If there was no creation, there would obviously be nothing. Thus what I believe about my marriage, how I deal with my spouse, and what I think about my spouse ultimately reveals much of what I believe about Jesus. The church is not exempt from this confusion. Get directions on Google Maps. Our Confession (written in 1689) relies upon the Savoy's revision of the Westminster which is evident in the first four paragraphs of chapter 26. It looks like WhatsApp is not installed on your phone. Theonly begotten Sonwas from all eternitychosen and ordained(Isa. [21] See La Belle and Beeke, Living in a Godly Marriage, 25-50. It grasps the sufficiency of Gods word, not worldly wisdom (you shall not walk in their statutes, v 3), and it obeys in holy fear of the sovereign Lord (vv 4f; cf. Peace and WarXVII. Last ThingsXI. To position singleness as subpar, a common consequence of over-exalting marriage, invites false guilt while undermining the biblical doctrines of Gods meticulous providence and common grace. Second, giving great hope for souls burdened by sin, its a mirror reflecting how Jesus changed everything eternally (Eph 5:25-32). Lev 18:6-18 details unions which Jesus says constitute wickedness, not oneness forbidden, illegitimate abominations (v 26; cp. What are the threefold offices of Christ? This a very good commentary on the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. The Directory of Public Worship expects pastors to give a reminder at the wedding not to commit idolatry by overmuch lovemaking, but to sanctify Gods name, in a thankful, sober, and holy use of all conjugal comforts, 111. Now I am reading Waldron on the 1689 and am highly enjoying it. Mans law never transcends his. Marriage is to be between one man and one woman; neither is it lawful for any man to have more than one wife, nor for any woman to have more than one husband at the same time. Many Baptists don't know why they are Baptist. The list promises expansion as those agitating to wed siblings, children, or pets progress in their quest. In this Verity, we behold his Victory, and stand fast in our Bridegrooms love. Cf. That is, God desires our unions to be marked by assistance (a helper, vv 18,20,23), fellowship (this at last, v 23a), and companionship (fit for him, vv 18,20). - Jonathan Edwards. They perform their fasts together, mutually teaching, mutually exhorting, mutually sustaining. With the Heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the Mouth Confession is made unto Salvation, Rom. A greater cost than intellectual legwork looms, however. The Family I. ".for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation." He created the earth, the stars, the atoms, spirits, angels, humans, animals, rocks, trees and things invisible to the naked eye. Manton notes that God was the first Author of it; his act hath the force of an institution.[23] 2LC records 3 significant reasons why God instituted or ordained marriage. Does the 2nd London Baptist Confession only permit 1689 Federalism? Community of Faith United Methodist Church. 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith in Modern English This title can be purchased in print form from Founders Press. Religious LibertyXVIII. The Modernist Conflict in the American Church. To say theres confusion today regarding marriage might be the understatement of the century. 4:11 ). The Holy Scripture is the only sufficient, certain, and infallible rule of all saving knowledge, faith, and obedience, although the light of nature, and the works of creation and providence do so far manifest the goodness, wisdom, and power of God, as to leave men inexcusable; yet are they not sufficient to give that knowledge of God and his . Baptism and the Lord's SupperVIII. It is well written and remains faithful to the confession while explaining the positions brought forth within its pages. This a very good commentary on the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. 2LCs careful verbiage and silence here, while historically conditioned, is also exegetically faithful and theologically wise. [51] Tertullian (155-220), 4.48, qtd. Founders Ministries is committed to encouraging the recovery of the gospel and the biblical reformation of local churches. 20:11 ). For centuries, Baptists have published confessions of faith as formal statements of their beliefs. Reviewed in the United States on July 17, 2010. Heb 10:11-14). Should you use the 1689 London Confession in your church? A great tool to strengthen such a union, La Belle and Beeke provide a helpful Appendix of George Swinnocks (1627-1673) prayers for husbands and wives in Living in a Godly Marriage, 237-57. Here is my attempt to do just that, using the KJV. From its day to ours, the 1689 envisions a broad spectrum of lost people: heretics of all stripes, Muslims (infidels), Catholics (idolaters), sectarians, schismatics, cultists (there were ever-growing numbers in the seventeenth century), and others ungodly like them. Did God predestine because He saw what was going to come to pass? Virginia Bible Baptist Church is a Baptist (SBC) church in Reston, VA. FaithStreet. Are we born sinners? If youre looking for a study which intends to make a case for the doctrines asserted, you may be blessed by this study. 9:17; Gen. 45:7; Ps. Carroll and Robust Confessionalism. What fellowship has light with darkness? (2 Cor 6:14). It calls instead for repentance and godly grief (2 Cor 7:8-13). Founders Ministries is committed to encouraging the recovery of the gospel and the biblical reformation of local churches. Reformed Particular Baptist History Book Bundle (New see descrip) RRP 70. With his wife, he is a member of Heritage Baptist Church, a Reformed Baptist Church in Owensboro, Kentucky where in January 2005 he became one of the pastors. Reviewed in the United States on January 20, 2016. 2:11. 1:22-23; 5:23; Heb. Does God never change His mind? Historically, Baptists have set forth what they believe in confessions of faith. 46:10-11; Dan. While marriage is given as a means of a legitimate issue, it is possible to abuse the blessing of marital sex. (Gen 2:24; Mal 2:15; Mt 19:5-6)[13]. See Truths Victory Over Error, XXIV.III. 11:32-34; 2 Sam. The KingdomX. 3:12 ), meaning that they belong to Him. Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video! Were the foreign wives/children provided for? May 19 Of Saving Faith Brian Malcolm. Please try again. 4:34-35; Ps. Mans lust never determines what is lawful; mans appetites never affect what God approves; mans vote never vetoes Gods voice in his written word. In Gen 1:28f, God commands Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Mans rule over earth is not fundamentally ecological or environmental, but matrimonial and familial. How 2LC uses ordained here is in the sense of something which God has ordered, commanded, and given as a creation ordinance. Having said all of the above, still the greatest foreshadowing of Confession in the Old Testament was the Levitical sacrifices. [32] Cf. Please try again. Modern Christianity is awash in a flood of doctrinal relativity. 42:1; 1 Pet. What about election? THE BAPTIST CONFESSION OF FAITH With Scripture Proofs Adopted by the Ministers and Messengers of the general assembly which met in London in 1689 Editor's note: The Scripture links used in this on-line publication of the 1689 London Baptist Confession are to the WWW Bible Gateway at Therefore, the interested reader is directed there for more about Gods divine sovereignty. For more information, see our resources page. [37] Calvin writes helpfully that if an unbeliever put away his wife, a brother or a sister [the Christian] is, by such rejection, freed from the bond of marriage. AU $36.31. The essential principle is that the professing believers union must reflect the purity of the gospel, something impossible to sustain if wed to an unbeliever. The Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 has its roots firmly in the Westminster Confession of Faith of 1647. Renihan, A Toolkit for Confessions: Helps for the Study of English Puritan Confessions of Faith, 7-84, and Lumpkin, Baptist Confessions of Faith 2nd edition, 130-41,216-22. To underscore the historical context of the 1689 Wright notes that at 26:4 it asserts that the Pope of Rome is the Antichrist. This means that having Christ to be the Savior of sinners and the Incarnation were not afterthoughts in God. [6] Schaff, Creeds of Christendom, III.715; contra Waldron, Modern Exposition, 354. What does it mean that Christ is the mediator of the New Covenant? While an unregenerate mans motivations are frequently varied and difficult to untangle (Pro 20:5), it is painfully obvious that he cannot ultimately seek the glory of God in his intended union (Rom 14:23b). The ScripturesII. Given as a prelapsarian creation ordinance, God intends it as a continuing pattern for all people (2LC 25.3; 1 Cor 7:2), framing reality (Eph 5:22ff), bringing forth posterity (Mal 2:15), and pointing to eternity (Rev 19:6-9). Whom can we trust to tell us how it happened? [27] Hercules Collins, An Orthodox Catechism, Q&A 123-24; Keach [or perhaps William Collins? Gods goodness in joining sinners to one another for life points to his grace in uniting them to himself for eternity. Put forth by the ELDERS and BRETHREN Of many CONGREGATIONS OF Christians. 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith in Modern English Chapter 3 - God's Decree 1. 145:3; Rom. What is Original Sin? The unbeliever comes, as it were, face-to-face with the gospel, and so must deal with Jesus through the spouses life and direct influence (cf. For contemporary treatments, see Murray (1898-1975), Divorce; Adams (b. [44] James Fisher defines consanguinity as a relation by blood, being between persons descended from the same family and affinity as an alliance by marriage, between persons who were not blood relations before. Assemblys Shorter Catechism Explained, II.71.18-20. Recorded by Mark Nenadov. 115:3; 135:6; Rev. The first over-exalts marriage to the point of considering it sacramental or unbreakable. ? Do we believe in three gods? Be they non-expiatory (spontaneous, voluntary offerings simply to please God) or expiatory (offered as a result of crime, sin, ritual impurity, etc., in atonement for sin), the Levitical sacrifices were all about . 10:5-7; Matt. May 4 Of Baptism. Faith and Life, 207f. 2018-2021 Monergism by CPR Foundation. Ussher, Body of Divinity, 27th Head; Ames, Marrow of Theology, II.XIX.29; Directory of Public Worship, 111f; James Fisher, Assemblys Shorter Catechism Explained, II.71.14f; John Brown, Systematic Theology, 21. Christ served his people at the Cross by his death, and continues in his session by his Spirit and providential rule. [50] Dickson thought so too. Current Projects include expository commentary on: - 1689 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith - The Gospel of Mark - The Epistle to the Romans - Genesis - Praying through the Psalms Completed . THE BAPTIST CONFESSION OF FAITH OF 1689 IN UPDATED ENGLISH WITH SCRIPTURE PROOFS Put forth by the Elders and Brethren of many Congregations of Christians (baptized upon profession of their faith) in London and the Country. We are privileged as children of God and of having God as our Father. We shall reason from Scripture in explaining the Confession, referencing relevant primary sources where helpful. [29] Duties to the unbeliever now proceed with redemptive interest from a heart of love to God and spouse, whereas before theyd issued from self-love and self-interest. So too Matthew Poole (1624-1679), Commentary on the Holy Bible, III.560: the husbands voluntary leaving his wife, or the wifes voluntary leaving her husband, with a resolution to return no more to them, breaks also the bond of marriage, frustrating it as to the ends for which God hath appointed it; and after all due means used to bring again the party departing to their duty, doth certainly free the correlate; and the Geneva Bible (1599), on v 15: What if the unfaithful [unregenerate] forsake the faithful [regenerate]? I have read GI Williamson on the Westminster Confession of Faith and Thomas Vincent on the Shorter Catechism and enjoyed them. 1627-1655), Exposition of the 10 Commandments (The Marrow of Modern Divinity, 307-09); William Gouge (1575-1653), Marital Unity and Sexual Faithfulness (originally Of Domestical Duties; modernized as Building a Godly Home, II.36f,39f). From redefinition to outright rejection, little draws heavier fire than affirming the biblical and confessional view of marriage. [25] Cf. The analogy of marital consent was also used in defending pastoral salaries. Picture Information. Sagamore Baptist Church is live now. We welcome you to join us in our work to equip and encourage local churches. Who is God? To understand the importance of creedalism, or confessionalism, seeThe Creedal Imperative by Carl Trueman. All chapters of the confession: 1689-Second-Baptist-Confession-Of-Faith-Highlighted 1689-Baptist-Confession-Chapter-1:-Of-The-Holy-Scriptures-Commentary 1689-Baptist-Confession-Chapter-2:-Of-God-And-Of-The-Holy-Trinity-Commentary 1689-Baptist-Confession-Chapter-3:-Of-Gods-Decree-Commentary 1689-Baptist-Confession-Chapter-4:-Of-Creation-Commentary May 4. Jun 1 Of the Holy Scriptures Brian Malcolm. [41] Ezra walked into an incredibly complex situation. 1689 confessional helps. The Westminster Confession of Faith The Westminster Confession of Faith is a Reformed confe. All Rights Reserved, it is God who works in you, both to will and to work, The Existence of Logic Not Compatible with a Materialist Worldview, Our True Source of Righteousness: Christ Alone, The Unifying Thread of Scripture: The Person of Jesus Christ. Observe briefly a foundational portion of the biblical sexual ethic in Lev 18. There was a time when my interest in this topic was immense, but that is for some reason no longer the case. He makes sure his arguments are clear and he takes the time to show these things from the bible. See also Flavel, Mystery of Providence, Works, IV.395; Gouge, Building a Godly Home, II.29f; Fisher, Marrow of Modern Divinity, 299f; Johannes Wollebius (1589-1621), Compendium Theologiae Christianae, II.11.3.xx; La Belle and Beeke, Living in a Godly Marriage, 121-51. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. D. in Systematic Theology. Get directions on Apple Maps. CooperationXV. Premarital relations (fornication) are whoredom, whereby man and woman join and mingle themselves together without God, the devil and their inordinate lusts leading them. Manton. The Grace and Glory Confession of Faith and Commentary: What We Believe at. Members are required to subscribe. What are the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace? 2LC recognizes the spectrum of conviction on the question. 150), 391-402; Derek Thomas, Reformed Expository Commentary: Ezra and Nehemiah, 177-97, 399-411; Carl Keil & Franz Delitzsch, Commentary on the OT, vol 4, 177-85. While permanence is the basic principle, and Gods design is union for the duration of life (vv 12f,27), a spouses death (v 39), or the unbelievers departure (vv 13,15) results in full freedom to remarry a believer. [47] Calvin and Poole both present worthwhile discussion here: Calvins Commentary, III.95-108; Pooles Commentary, I.235-38. [9] In 1697, Particular Baptist pastor Benjamin Keach (1640-1704) probably one of the framers or editors of 2LC released a small work entitled The articles of the faith of the Church of Christ, or, Congregation meeting at Horsley-down[10] because the [1689] General and more Large Confession of Faith of our Churches, is now out of Print; but that is not all, that being 12 d. price, some cannot well purchase it.[11] Its language on marriage depends heavily on 2LC, abstracting chapter 25 nearly verbatim, though the Articles of Faith do not appear to have achieved widespread usage outside Keachs congregation. A Foundation for Faith: An Introductory Study of Systematic Theology PDF by Stanford Murrell The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith (Website) Web Page by Joe Thorn Catechism Trainer: 5 Reformed Catechisms Web Page by Reformed Wiki 1689 Stands for Unity: The Second London Confession of Faith Web Page by Sam Renihan When Does Forgiveness Not Lead to Reconciliation? 15.00 + 4.10 Postage. 1689 Baptist Confession (Banner of Truth) The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith in Modern English (Founders Press) Faith and Life for Baptists: The Documents of the London Particular Baptist Assemblies, 1689-1694 by Jim Renihan A Toolkit for Confessions by Jim Renihan A Modern Exposition of the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith 5th Edition by Sam Waldron [8] For representative early modern treatments of divorce and remarriage, among many others, see especially John Owen (1616-1683), Of Marrying after Divorce in Case of Adultery (Works, XVI.254-57); William Perkins (1558-1602), Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount (Works, I.316-23); and John Calvin (1509-1564), Explanation of the Moral Law, in Institutes of the Christian Religion, II.viii.41-44. Creation: there are a few topics like this which generate heat between believer and unbeliever,and even amongbelievers. Some the Spirit will bring to faith; others will flee. Gouge, Building a Godly Home, II.15f; Ames, Marrow of Theology, II.xix.37. We, the faithful of Saint John Neumann Catholic Community, commit ourselves to celebrating and giving witness to the presence of God in our midst by living the Gospel to its fullest. Collins, An Orthodox Catechism, Q&A 96. On the question of the Fathers, see William Lucks careful essay: You can join the F.A.M. What do the words essenceand personmean? . Original Appendix on Baptism. [50] The Corinthian church learned that when Paul rebuked their celebration of marital diversity (1 Cor 5:1). 11:33-34; 1 Cor. 2LC brings the question finally to authority. It is a creation ordinance, given to all classes and races of men (Gen 1:28f). Scripture demonstrates, then, that love is loveisnt. Approaching 2LCs structure, a chapters first paragraph typically presents its thesis, while subsequent paragraphs provide exposition and expansion of the concept. Such mutual help will serve the other in both practical and spiritual matters; it will not content itself that the house is clean, while the heart is not. The London Baptist Confessionith Original Preface, Baptist Catechism w , and Appendix on Baptism (item code lbcw) includes the complete London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 and three other historical documents: the original preface to the Confession, an important appendix on credo-baptism, and The Baptist Catechism (1693), for use in teaching Baptist congregations the doctrines of the . One of the many great things about Dr. Waldron is that he is a pastor: [] Everything he writes comes from that pastoral heart. The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith Though its prooftexts gently point readers in a Westminsterian direction, it leaves room for each ones conscience before the Lord as per Savoy. Reviewed in the United States on April 16, 2014. Baptist Confession of 1689 Introduction Foreward Chapter Titles Chapter 1Of the Holy Scriptures Chapter 2Of God and the Holy Trinity Chapter 3Of God's Decree Chapter 4Of Creation Chapter 5Of Divine Providence Chapter 6Of the Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punishment Thereof Chapter 7Of God's Covenant Chapter 8Of Christ the Mediator 1 Pet 3:1-6). . Does God choose who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell?

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