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I spoke with our neighbour this afternoon and we came to an agreement. As long as there is a visible demarcation along the boundary, your neighbour could string a length of wire between some posts and call it a day. Answer. 04/03/2016 18:32, Thanks so much for all the replies. Whatever the case, try to avoid heated arguments with the neighbors. Boundary fences are owned by both owners when both use the fence. For example, . the last 3 words need to be clarified. Establish the property lines instead. If neither neighbor put up the fence, then the ownership is shared. In this case, the boundary fence belongs to both of you. Whichever neighbor owns the boundary fence is responsible for it. - If the boundary fence is on someones side of the property line, then that neighbor owns it and is responsible for it. Your neighbor is only allowed to remove a fence if they put up the fence themselves and obtained the proper permit for the fence installation. Next contact your city for any ordinances pertaining to the placement of fences. If so, then I'm not certain they have the ability to say that as a demand so much as a request unless your local law says they do. You are obliged to disclose all information about your property before you sell it and having a boundary dispute can give the upper hand to the purchaser when it comes to negotiations. 83% positive Yard Blogger provides practical tips and friendly expert advice on everything relating to your home and yard. When building a fence in your yard, you'll need to be more cautious when approaching the property boundaries. link to How To Organize A Bathroom Closet. The owner of the fence has the final say over any creepers or climbers growing on a boundary fence or wall. But you might be struggling to figure out what kind of paint to use on garage walls. If you want to create a boundary between you and your neighbor, then you will have to erect the fence yourself. The advantage of having a lawyer as a mediator is that the legal position can be accurately explained to both parties. The fence is used and maintained by both parties if it was built by the municipality or if there is a special agreement. There should be one there if you or a previous owner hired someone who went through the proper channels to erect it. The fence is your beighbour's as he purchased and erected it. And what can you do if they violate your property lines? I live at [address], next door and am concerned there is a potential threat to health and safety. On Otherwise, you can sue them for maintaining a common nuisance or endangering the community. [vii] Andres v. Todd, 296 S.W.2d 139, 143 (Mo. If, however, you are the fence owner, then nobody aside from yourself has the right to do anything whatsoever to your fence without your permission. If the prospect of watching the old fence rot away over the next few years doesnt appeal, you might offer to help your neighbour with the cost and / or the repair or installation of a new one. Elements allowing punitive damages are[vi]: Generally, equitable principles and rules are applicable concerning the protection of rights and interests in partition walls[vii]. They have taken down the boundary fence, and have come over by a couple of inches so the fence can now not be put back where it was. Privacy notice I had a fence that got blown over in a hurricane. You might also enjoy our post on Can Your Neighbor Paint Your Fence? VAT Number 990 1088 14 | Company Number 8513999 I'd appreciate it if you could respond to me regarding this as soon as possible so that we can resolve the matter. This is for trees that do not require a permit from the council. Hi I have 4 neighbours bordering the length of my back garden on one side. Then, the court can order you to move it, take it down, or find an alternative. But, in some cases, your neighbor will not be so friendly. Generally, if you want to build a fence on a common boundary with your neighbour, or upgrade an existing one, you can expect the neighbour to go halves on the bill for an "adequate" fence. Any modifications and attachments can only be done by the legal owner, meaning your neighbor, even if the side of the fence is facing their house, cannot legally change anything on your fence. Your neighbour might agree to remove the fence. Try to be fair. There are two main areas when it comes to boundary line disputes. My fence needs . In some cases, yes, and in some cases, no. Fences and trees along the property line can easily give rise to disagreements. Money could be an issue, or perhaps your neighbour doesnt have the skills to repair the fence or install a new one. Thats because you could get in trouble for vandalism or trespassing if youre not careful. The plaintiff must prove the defendants negligence by a preponderance of evidence[iv]. Usually in the rear corner of the yard. hi as fat as I know the fence can not be higher than 6ft with 1 ft of gravel board so total of 7ft but it depends on the garden ei if on a hill or looking down ? So, the homeowner is usually responsible for its location and upkeep. You should be aware that they are not legally obliged to put up a garden fence on their boundary at all. Stay civil. The fence can either be fully or partially on the wrong side of the property to be considered for a boundary dispute. Top tip: if the fence/wall is on the left of your property looking out the BACK DOOR, then you own it. However, if neither of you put up the fence, then both of you share responsibility and ownership of the fence and your neighbor should have asked your permission first. As a result, in most parts of NSW, you have to obtain consent from a neighbour before you can cut their overhanging trees. Either way, dont let people touch or move your stuff without consent. Ct. App. So, work toward peaceful living by utilizing the legal system. If you live in a neighborhood with an HOA look into their rules regarding fences as well. UK VAT Registered: 850 4121 63, Can my neighbour legally move her fence on to my boundary, Repositioning Concrete Fence Posts due to Neighbour's Extension, Can my neighbour force me to move my fence which is about four inches over his side. If the structure is on your side of the line, it belongs to you. 2 June 2015 at 10:22AM. If you do not obtain approval, then you may open yourself up to legal issues. Plus, they can sue if your fence is too high. You can both try to be sensitive. Fences are a part of the realty and become affixed to the land. The construction of a fence into a street or highway is considered a nuisance. If they cannot agree, the party aggrieved and entitled to compensation for constructing or repairing the partition fence shall be entitled to recover from the other in a civil action the value of one-half of such fence or half of the value of repairing it before any court having competent jurisdiction in the name of and for the use of the owner or lessee of such fence, together with disbursements and costs of action. Here are some of our favorite easy to install fences that wont cost you a pretty penny: 1. Worked at a fence company for 10+ years. Yes. However, these deeds typically dont mention any structures, such as fences. However, now that I have written to you regarding the matter, I would appreciate your swift action on this. So, here are the five steps to take if someone tampers with your property: Organize your evidence and let the law decide. How to Stop Your Neighbors Dog From Digging Under Your Fence. It is possible that your neighbor thought the fence was theirs and therefore believed they had the right to remove it. Additionally, in determining the amount of compensation for the taking of land in order to widen a street, injuries to fences have been considered as a proper element of damages. You can hire a licensed surveyor to physically mark the boundary if you and your neighbour don't agree with the boundary location. 2d 79, 81 (La. A common dispute among neighbors is who owns, as well as who is responsible for maintaining the fence between their properties. Thank you. [Add below paragraph if other options are viable]. London Member since 20 Apr 2011 32 jobs, 97% positive feedback. we have now removed the fence which is damaged, but the new neighbours say that because the fence has been there for some time, that the boundary has now changed . Every city has different rules regarding fences. 30 You can find out more about our litigation and dispute resolution services here, or you can request a call back from us. Your neighbor is not legally allowed to remove your boundary fence. And, if you tell him not to, Neighbor cannot come onto your property without y. A polite clarification might be all that is needed to . This notice has to be served at least 21 days before submitting a planning application. If youre prepared to put up with an eyesore for the foreseeable future you can, at this point, stick to the principle that the fence isnt your responsibility and decide to do nothing. Usually there will be a clear demarcation of who owns which part of the land and boundaries. In a prosecution for removing, destroying, or injuring a fence, the burden rests upon the state to prove the offense. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). You are allowed to sell a property engaged in an ongoing boundary dispute but you should be aware that it may affect your property value and you may have to disclose the dispute to potential buyers. Hedges make a much better boundary than fences both in terms of look and durability and providing a haven for wildlife. The standard for measuring damages for such removal or destruction is its value at the time. Your neighbours fence will undoubtedly fall into further disrepair but at least you wont have to look at it any more. jobs, For example, in California, the fence law states that if a neighbor wants to put up a fence, the fence must remain on their side of the property line. Additionally, if you believe your neighbor has put up a fence to spite you, such as blocking a view, then you might be able to sue your neighbor for private nuisance. [Amended by 1981 c.897 30]. In State v. Roberts, the court observed that persons unlawfully and willfully, burning; destroying; pulling down; injuring; or removing any fence, wall, or other enclosure shall be guilty of a misdemeanor[viii]. Branches from trees can often grow across property lines. The Council acknowledged they were at fault and came up with the solution of building . In this case, you should think of putting up a fence on your side of the property line which you will have complete control over. A partition fence is the joint property of adjacent landowners. If your neighbours fence is in a poor state of repair it can really spoil your enjoyment of your garden, as well as causing privacy issues. While it might annoy you to pay for something you consider is your neighbours responsibility, its best to be pragmatic in a situation like this. In civil actions, the burden is upon the plaintiff, to prove the removal or damages. A boundary fence, also called a division fence or partition fence, is a fence that is located on the line between two properties and is used by both owners. You could also call an inspector out and ask if they recommend a repair or replacement. So, look up public records to find out. And the deal is good until someone changes it. Regardless of the problem you are dealing with, it is crucial to resolve the issue quickly and amicably to avoid difficulties with your neighbours. Also think about whether it's safe to cut back the roots. Answered 3rd Jun 2016. 1927). The best way to win a boundary dispute is to hire a decent land surveyor to prove that the property in question is indeed yours. Shes a copywriter and editor for several home renovation companies in the U.S. and works alongside some of the biggest names in the industry. A person is liable for removing, destroying, or injuring a fence belonging to another person just as one who commits such acts against any kind of property belonging to another is liable[i]. Is It Illegal to Walk Through a Gated Community? So, they cant remove boundary fencing even if they dont like its location. App. . There would now be two fences along the boundary. However, illegal fencing doesnt give people the right to remove it without notice. If you have questions about who owns the boundary fencing in your yard, you can also ask the neighbors. However, if neither of you built the fence, then your neighbor is not allowed to just take it down. Fence disputes are not high up on the polices to-do list and they may suggest you handle the situation on your own. I would be grateful if you would look into this as a matter of urgency. - Your neighbor is not legally allowed to remove your boundary fence. Many land owners are misinformed about their property lines, so have a surveyor confirm them to avoid a . Our neighbour's fence has been erected about 30cms INSIDE his boundary line, leaving old fence posts, sawn off on our side.. fencing and boundary accuracy - original boundary was straight whereas now it no longer is. For more information or to arrange an appointment please fill in the form below. So, they can't remove boundary fencing even if they don't like its location. If you are planning to remove a large . A landowner can remove a fence, separating his/her land from that of his/her neighbor, when such fence is located wholly upon his/her own land. In some cases, it may be possible for you and your neighbour to resolve the issue by simply speaking to one another. Ask them to split the cost of a survey to see whose property it sits on. (Heres Whats Required). I look forward to seeing you on [date]. The owner of the fence is always responsible for fixing it. I doubt this would qualify as a partition fence but I could be wrong. Removing your neighbors fence is illegal if you do not obtain their permission. For example, the neighbor's hedge or fence is encroaching on your property. Either way, dont tamper with a property barrier until you establish the rightful owner. to prevent the unauthorized destruction of, or damage to, boundary line fences; and. We don't as a general policy investigate the solvency of companies mentioned (how likely they are to go bust), but there is a risk any company can struggle and it's rarely made public until it's too late (see the. Consequences that may arise if you tear down your neighbors fence include: Boundary fences are not legally required. They have screwed it to a fence post that is totally on my land and nothing to do with the boundary. Maybe call the building department and ask them to look for a permit for a fence? jobs, Either way, don't let people touch or move your stuff . However, an individual cannot remove or destroy a fence on another individuals land without his/her consent. My concern is regarding [select appropriate from below], - The tree is leaning to one side and appears likely to fall over, - The tree looks like it may be diseased/dead, - The tree has a large, broken branch which looks like it may fall onto my property, - The tree has overgrown and is now encroaching on my property. Today at 9:15AM. You should take care not to cause unnecessary damage to the tree. Provided that the neighbor receives the appropriate approvals they have a right to build up to the boundary line. of Supervisors, 599 N.W.2d 460 (Iowa 1999). Due to the added importance placed on these areas of real property, the legal aspects of fences in the state of Florida have taken on significant importance. Fence erected inside boundary line. If the boundary fence lies directly on the property line, then both parties are responsible for the fence, Responsibility can be assigned to only one party if there is a signed written agreement between both neighbors, One party is not allowed to remove or change the look of the fence without the permission of the other party, Causing permanent damage to your property and possibly your neighbors, Risking potential violent behavior from your neighbor. For an improper removal of a partition fence, an aggrieved party can bring an action for damages. An owner of adjoining land can remove a partition fence upon formal notice to adjacent landowners. If you do not wish to remove your [fence/hedge/other encroachment] there is the possibility of my selling or "lending" you this strip of land on the understanding that you acknowledge my ownership of the land. Or ask the court to help you change the parameters. Hi, my elderly fathers neighbour has removed the fence between the 2 gardens and demanded he pay half to have it reinstated.They have also damaged lots of very . Such person is considered a tortfeasor. When you bought your house, you received the property deed that states exactly where your property boundaries lie- to show what you purchased. I have enclosed a rough sketch map and highlighted the tree(s) I am concerned about. Your neighbour's fence will undoubtedly fall into further disrepair but at least you won't have to look at it any more. To put the fence on the boundary would mean digging the rockery up as it straddles the boundary with UPDATE - Thanks for the advice guys! link to What Kind Of Paint For Garage Walls. dig up the root and cut a tree root back to the boundary or fence line of your property. This will help the land surveyor determine exactly what part of the property belongs to you and not your neighbor. The proof involves documentation of your property lines. Sharing a boundary line with a neighbor can unfortunately lead to conflict. This means Yard Blogger may earn a commission if you make a purchase using any of our links. If your neighbor has removed your boundary fence, by now you should understand how you can go about resolving this dispute. If, however, you are the fence owner, then nobody aside from yourself has the right to do anything whatsoever to your fence without your permission. But hire a lawyer for more information. Always remember anyone can post on the MSE forums, so it can be very different from our opinion. If the wall is on the right, then you must ask your neighbour. When I built my fence, I had it surveyed and placed it 3" from the property line. You can talk to your neighbor first and let them know that their fence is actually encroaching on your property and you would like them to remove it. Click on a link to the section: Her hobbies include architecture, art, mental health, and fashion. We dont have a weed issue. 2. So, if you happen to be encroaching on their land, you could ask them if they are willing to sell that piece of land so it then becomes your own. Communicatingvia letter, also provides both parties with a written record of the dispute. In this case, the boundary fence belongs to both of you. My neighbour has moved the boundary fence on to my land. You have to remember if the root ball is removed and backfilled with soft materials the use of metal spikes will be suspect to movement.Most fence erecting companies would still requmend using concrete.the photos would suggest that is a significant height difference with the neighbour's property. My neighbour has just built an extension. The Fences Amendment Act provides that an owner must generally give notice to an adjoining owner before undertaking fencing works, unless the owners have already agreed outside of the Fences Act. If you're not splitting the cost, then let it stay until it's literally falling over. In deciding the amount of damages, the court must consider: However in calculating damages, the depreciation which the old fence had suffered due to age and use can be deducted. Or, you could do a land swap. Then, youll receive notice in the mail confirming the change. What are the 4 types of boundary disputes? The first thing you should do if your neighbor has removed your boundary fence is to speak to your neighbor directly. 1956). However, you should bear in mind that thismay ultimately damage your relationship with your neighbour. I'm concerned that the tree [has a broken branch/is overgrown/is diseased/other concern] and may cause damage to my property if left unattended. Fences are a part of the realty and become affixed to the land. Fences. If you want to find out where the common boundary between your property and your neighbour's property is and there is no fencing issue involved, you can hire a registered surveyor to . Instead, you can put up a fence of your liking on your side of the property line and avoid any unnecessary drama. The height of your fence is beyond 4.5 metres of frontage and higher than 2.1 metres. We answer your questions about planning permission for fences: height, trellis, Conservation Areas, consequences of not getting permission and more. ), with fence ideas that look great, too. That means barriers that block entrances or hide street signs are illegal. Until the contrary is shown, the partition fence is presumed to be the common property of both owners.

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