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Dad died, my older brother, and i am 26 years old family. Yes it is about my happiness but my family does come first. They need to grieve and adjust. After she passed I found myself feeling very responsible for his well-being. Your mom isn't even 50 yet, she can still get a job and maintain herself. NTA Go and live your best life. It was a snowy Thanksgiving morning. I told him he should try to develop and strengthen his relationship with her and, in turn, her relationship with my dads wife will improve. But then again as tough as my father is, I know you wouldnt want to be alone. Honestly, Im at a loss. I got to hear so many stories I had never heard of, and I felt incredibly connected to my fatherand, unexpectedly, at peace with my grief. August 31, 2013 at 11:59 pm. My dad died of cancer lung and colon November 2008. Can so one please explain this to me. It feels like he is abandoning us! Shortly before my dad died, I was having dinner with my cousin Brittany, whose own father had passed away just as she graduated from college. How do I make peace with no longer having a relationship with my father and his lack of relationship with my daughters? I will have probably reacted the same way that you had when you found out that your father or mother could find someone else attractive; I was surprised myself when I felt attracted to someone else a year and half after my husband passed away. Give him a break. She has posted it on her Facebook, and texted my Dad about it. The hole in my heart was huge. When he told me I cried and later apologized but I wasnt emtionally over the loss of my Mom. When I asked him about it, he says, Hes sure that Ellen will most likely give it back to me and my brother when she dies. Im highly doubtful about that. I fear this woman has it all figured out. I would appreciate some validation from him he wants to know what I am feeling, but isnt necessarily up for doing anything that would change a decision he has already made. My mum told me today that a friend she made not long after he Where is the respect for my mother from both my father and this homewrecker? The way her throat was moving up and down struggling for air. But Im still reeling over a set of events that happened this last Christmas, our first without my Mother-in-law. Things we liked, or maybe even didn't like about her, moments we had, things we'll miss. If it wont come from my mom I hope it would come from Cecil to say no to sleeping in the condo and wearing my moms clothes. I have been reading through previous posts and feeling much better that I am not alone. How long were they together? I think whether I gave my dad back what my mom gave me or not, Id still be dealing with a jerk. how to equip shoes in 2k22 myteam / bombas distribution center / moving in with mom after dad died. I signed up for bike rides and rode any chance I got. It will never be the same. Practice remembering hard, so that you still can when you're older. I cant stop thinking about it. Hi, please somebody help me this is unlike anything Ive been able to find on the Internet. He doesnt acknowledge or appreciate any of the things that we do to try to make his wife feel accepted by us, he just dwells on what we dont do. It also seems that he loves, respects, and wants your approval in the biggest way. Just a couple weeks after her death I found out that my dad received pictures of Young Filipino women, 3 different women, and on top of that it was from a distant family member whom divorced my aunt and remarried an American Filipino women. But I will insist that we, the actual family whos home that is, will be treated as family members and not guests in her house. Now, almost 2 years later he has begun dating a woman fairly seriously. After 3 weeks went away to his winter home for a long weekend. It was just weird, my Brother and I my son were only an hour away and he would not wait. You get to live your life. I loved my wife deeply and will miss her for the rest of my life but I did start a relationship 3 months after her passing. I am just not comfortable with that nor will I ever be. So I am a girlfriend of a Widower. I will never get over the death of my mom and now I have to factor in that I will also never get over the insensitive nature of my dads behavior towards her memory and of my daughter and my feelings. Sending sympathy for your loss and your distress x, Hi Sonia, My father started seeing a woman shortly after Thanksgiving. Dads new GF is an unemployed alcoholic. AGAIN. So in my moms house, surrounded by her beautiful knick-knacks, is this woman with no job, no prospects (she seems a little brain damaged), and no sign of getting better. He was very sick for a long time before he died with cancer. Press J to jump to the feed. Moving on with life as he says. I did not mind that he was dating it all comes down, to who he is dating. Every mans dream, right? That is the way my dad is acting and I hate it! Each time I got to the house something else was touched not bathrooms cleaned or floors cleaned or my dads clothes organized, but places my mom had stuff were rearranged. Adapted from a recent online discussion . He claimed that their marriage had been difficult for about 5 years and that my mother-in-law would treat him very badly when they were home alone. You have been. Then he started calling her on the cellphone. I know from experience that it can get very, very, very frustrating. NTA. I once cut his hair too short,she told him he looked like a thug,wouldnt speak to him for days,now he panics every time I cut his hair incase I use the wrong fitting. Well, I overextended myself. I feel my father has betrayed me, failed to live by the promise he made mom to be there for his two girls, and his words that he would never get another woman when mom died. You deserve better and dont continue to make yourself miserable because of the poor choices your father has made and his bad attitude. I resent this woman very much & truly dont want her in my life but at the same time, I feel she gives him a reason to keep living. I began to call her around 4pm every day and wed share about our days in lockdown. You don't have to take over for him forever, but it may be a good idea to do as much in this respect as you can until she gets more used to being alone, and then you can slowly cut back and she can get used to doing all of these things for herself. Now, almost 4 months later they are still together. My mom was my confidant, my best girl friend, etc. So 10 months we met her and now he wants this woman in our lives. Hi Meg, As a woman and a wife and mom myself, I feel very sad when I think how quickly my dad replaced my mom and professed his undying love for this new woman so quickly. He waschillingat hers today so couldnt even call in to see his grandaughter to congratulate her on exam results,says hel call her tomorrow. When I tried to talk with him 4 weeks after my mom passed, he informed me that he is 73 yrs. Yes thats right 9hours could be more. The nerve!!! No one HAS to be friends with anyone.. Hi, I lost my mom a year ago and my papa started dating his old high school friend whom he had not been in touch when my mom was alive barely a month after my mom died from stroke. Los angeles resident abbe andersen took care of immediate kin spouse, we planned a dear carolyn: my dad dated several. One thing is for sure, just as our parents could never select our friends or mates in life we neither can select theirs. So, me and my wife backed out on the trip. She and my father hid the severity of her initial diagnosis of stage iv for almost the entire illness (until it was undeniable). John Pete, certified grief counselor and founder of MyGriefSpace.Net, responds: Hello Heather: Please accept my sincere condolences for the loss for your mother. Thanks to whoever can help or give some insight. we try to stay in the childs life as best we can. J(dad) made some poor choices after choosing this woman as his new wife, including choosing her family over mine for attending certain momentous occasions. Dont get me wrong, there have been many bumps along the way, but we have always kept the big picture in mind. Im even more upset about that than I am about my Dad trying to hide what has been going on with this woman. That was tough, as it was my Moms house too and this woman just moved in and took over. Kobe bryant's death of death of her palliative care nurse for a whiskey-drinking. My uncle laughed and said Ellen had my dad whipped. My aunt and uncle dont like Ellen either and I have sometimes talked to them about how I feel about her. I'd also recommend part time work to keep a toe in the work force. Give me a break. My phone bill is about $400 a month. They had things they shared every single day of their lives for longer than you've even been alive. We were really close to our dad, so obviously his loss is really hard on us, but I keep reminding myself that my dad wouldn't want us to be upset over his death and he would want us to move on and live our lives. All of your comments here are like echoes of my own situation. I wish my dad was here today. Every person mourns in different ways, intensity and time. but Im defensive and worried.. Maybe she is the one but like many of you, she doesnt seem to be trying to have a relationship with me..We go out to dinner together with my husband, daughter, Dad and dads girlfriend, and its like crickets. This continued for a couple months until he finally told me he was dating her. Make sure you take care of yourself and grieve how you need to. Honestly I lose all hope, but for the sake of my late Mother I will talk to him. I didnt want to but I thought Id try to be nice and meet her. Alex Murdaugh, who took the stand last week And you children may not understand what we go thru. She didnt shed one tear as I poured my heart out. Any comments? A year later, my father met his wife and within months of dating she wanted my 1-year-old to call her Grandma. My dad at times had his head down as if he were ashamed or saddened to hear my pained feelings. My mom has lived on her own since my dad died in 2017, first in a seniors retirement community, now in her own condo. She is so insecure within herself, she doesnt feel that a daughter should have a relationship with her Father. If that is not what he wants, the answers are no. Your email address will not be published. Eventually I realized that the best way I could support and care for her during the pandemic was to enjoy a daily telephone call. I was out of town on business. She may start getting rid of. Im not saying she should never move on but at least give it more time and no I dont want to meet your new friend as she puts it and no I dont think I ever will. He never really talks about anything and normally wont tell you if hes upset until he ends up blowing his top. Im pretty sure she felt offended, but she was trying to smother me with affection that was not reciprocated and I felt might not be genuine but just something to make her look good in front of my Dad. It happened so fast. I will continue to search for answers and hope that I find a way to help my family heal from this tragedy. We were home a week then they left again on a trip to Hawaii. She sent us cards on my mothers death anniversary or birthday and was SO sympathetic to us. My sister and her family went to surprise them. If my mother keeps giving my late moms clothes for her to wear why doesnt she just say hey I wont wear that I dont want your kids thinking of something else and I might dispect them. It was like he was here to fulfill some sort of obligation or something. We dont have a problem with him dating , its just who he is dating. In the end my father refused help. While we were in a coffee shop he took the time to be checking his phone to call this woman.

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