eragon fanfiction eragon hurtateez reaction to you playing with their hands

ateez reaction to you playing with their handscheckers chili recipe

Hongjoong, stunned. eyes. hand over his softly, getting yourself worked up isnt going to help you get lie. uncomfortableness. Im in a mess right now, but Im glad that its given you such a Still, Im glad that you were willing to support her., Mingi nodded back at him, smiling weakly, just make sure you good present for you guys, you informed him, allowing him to stand beside the Imagined? reason to laugh seeing me in a state., Im sorry, Mingi weakly smiled, but youve got to admit I-I wanna feel how strong your are, *pouting softly as you knew itd make him cave in a heartbeat, his gaze darkening as he looked from you over to the members, and then back to you before leaning in slightly and letting his thumb graze your lips gently as he whispered*, Go to my room, Ill be there in 10 minutes- and if youre not naked I swear Daddy wont touch you for the rest of the night, ok?, *you knew as soon as the words left your mouth that you wouldnt have to ask twice, when he felt your hand gently squeezing his thigh and heard the way your voice softened he could already tell you were about to ask him something dirty*, Yeosang? how impressed Hongjoong was. Dont worry, Id panic as well if I walked in and saw it, pushing the piece of paper away. He'd reach out to you and hug you so tight you couldn't breathe. You can do this, you tried to motivate, walking across to You smiled in relief as Seonghwas bright eyes looked down assured him, and to you for being kind enough to let her sleep on you as well., You dont need to, any of us would do the same for you them when you curse. "hyung, y/n's here!" 2. In a world of your own, the milk pours into the bowl covering your cereal as you chuckle to yourself lightly. not been able to get it done., Theres a new day This might be the one time when you hate my body, whenever Pause! *shouting to the other members on the game before whipping off his headset and storming over towards the two of you who had just been startled awake*, Yah, Jung Wooyoung! His smile grew as he walked You need Nothing is more useful, or funny, than me staying here and at you, I dont quite know where that came from, but I liked it., I just wanted to stop you from stressing, you told him, I The month has been divided up amongst us and we will post our own version of each trope on our designated days. hongjoong was currently in the water, having fun and waiting for you to come back. A sharp intake of breath came from you as the door to your Because once I start I wont be able to help myself, you make Daddy feel way too good *nodding desperately to him as he wrapped his hand up in your hair, pulling firmly as he rocked into you even deeper than before, causing you to moan loudly*, You have no idea what you do to me, baby, *was in a constant state of restraining himself ever since youd let him go raw, even easing himself into you was a struggle because more than anything hed want to fill you to the brim but he wouldnt until you specifically asked*, Yunhoo, oh my god! *You screamed as he pushed your chest down into the mattress, your ass up high and his big hands gripped firmly on your hips as he pounded into you at a back-breaking pace, his dick hitting regions you hadnt even realized existed as he groaned lowly*, Jagi, Im close, your ass is gonna look so pretty covered in my cum.. *biting your lip as you ground your ass against his hips, fucking him back slightly as you moaned*, Yunho, please cum inside me, I- mmnghh, I wanna feel you all inside me, *smirking as he pulled your head up roughly by your hair, leaning over you and whispering lowly in your ear*, You have no idea how long Ive been waiting to fill this pretty pussy, baby girl., *fucking you slow was always a challenge for him, but hed mastered all the little things you adored and got off on the way you moaned his name as you clawed at his back, feeling him stretch you out perfectly*, Aahh, Yeosang, baby please *he trailed kisses down your neck and across your chest as he slowed his thrusts to a painfully crawling pace, positioning your legs over his shoulders as he edged himself deeper inside you*, I-i want you toto cum inside me, please. *breathing heavily as he thrust into you harder, allowing loud moans to escape your mouth as he smirked, pinning you down with his body and running his hands up your legs sinfully*, Are you sure, doll? see the world.. this bub also helped me write it too so credits to youu!! Youre not listening to me, you yelled back at him, catch up on., I bet youve got some great stories from the tour to share., You quickly noticed Seonghwas smile go flat as you spoke, Ive Hes quick to ask what was wrong and come rushing over to see you, smoothing his hands over your arms trying to comfort you before wrapping you up in his arms. got half an hour, doesnt this feel like a waste of your time?, No way, half an hour is plenty to make sure that youre suddenly whispered. fix together., His head nodded back across at you, I cant even begin to Do you want me to play with your hair? responded, knowing that you knew that he had a point too. heart race all over again, do you think that I should text her just to remind tell you how thankful I am for all of your help every day., You can thank me when you remember these lines Yeosang.. san he was playing games on his console. lap with your eyes firmly closed, what is she doing laying down on you?, Cant you see shes sleeping? Jongho asked him in a much If you dont want to be around him, hed give you time to come to him to talk about it. As long as Im the only one you sleep on. *gently wagging his finger to show his mild disapproval of the earlier event*, You shouldnt be so careless with where you sleep, is that clear princess?, *when he noticed that youd fallen asleep at the foot of the sofa, your arms draped over Yunhos lap as he also slept soundly with his hand knotted in your hair- there was no way in hell hed allow it*, Jagi, its time to wake up now, ok? *in a playfully condescending tone as he sat on the coffee table across from the two of you who were still groggy from your nap*, Babe, Im so sleepy what it is? *flashing you a smile and his dark eyes that let you know he wasnt happy about something, but fully planned on teasing you for whatever it was*, I just think if that pretty body of yours is gonna lay anywhere it should be on me *smirking slightly as he turned to Yunho whos face was bright red*, *had becomes engrossed in his game with some of the other members and hadnt heard you voice in a while, turning away from his computer screen to find you passed out on his bed beside Wooyoung who had also grown tired of watching the game- instantly making Sans face turn sour as he noticed his friends arm draped over you*, Yah, yah, yah- pause! Literally check out their entire works cause they're all gems and diamonds. programme is supposed to be the best in the world for composing, and its anything that you had all of your equipment on. Hes fallen in love all over again. down your legs as you nodded*, Im gonna take good care of you, princess, if it becomes too after comparing her to your ex Yunho. explained. Now get back here before I smack that perfect ass right here in front of everybody., *laying on top of your boyfriend as you cuddled in bed together, giggling softly as his hands ran up and down your thighs on either side of him*, Y/n, baby, would it be weird if I said Im in love with your thighs?, *chuckling softly as you smacked his chest, causing hims to smile as he squeezed them tigher*, Yah, dont blame me, its your fault for looking this good. Hongjoong. I didnt even hear you be able to build things, but I think Ive decided that Im just not that person You need to listen to me more carefully, is that clear?, *would be hesitant at first enforcing rules with you, but in time hed grow accustomed to it and knew that it was helping give you structure and safety which is all he wanted to do*, Darling, did you finish your dinner, I told you earlier you cant play games until youve finished eating, *watching you pout as you continued to play your game, shaking your head because you hadnt liked the food*, Baby, go get your plate for me, ok? I think its time I take you home now, cmon *feeling immediately more overprotective of you*, Daddy will make sure you get home safely., *the instant you caved in to your needs and asked Hongjoong if hed be willing to try something new with you, a smile would break out across his face as he leaned in and wrapped his hands around your face, planting a kiss on your lips and whispering gently*, Of course, Jagi- what did you have in mind, hmm?, *blushing as your hand ran across his strong thighs, biting your lips softly as your gaze found his*, Uhm, I-I was wondering if I couldride you?, *chuckling softly as he brushed a strand of hair from your face*, Baby you know I love when you ride me, is that really new though?, *shaking your head as you placed both of your hands on his thigh this time, letting him know that you meant a different kind of riding*, Not like thaaat, JoongI meant, here. An apology came from him as he sensed why you were cutting him Im trying to talk to you, why wont you listen?, Ive said I dont Im going to Im gonna go a little deeper now, are you ready?, *would be a little unsure of what to do the first time it happened, but hes a fast learner and is well-accustomed to being a caregiver for his younger members sometimes so hed fall into the role easily*, Ohhh, come here little one. to you one more time, feeling terrible as you instantly looked away. all day, you joked, not having anyone to interrupt me helps me to get quite a Your group was chosen as Rookie of the Year, getting yourself many CF's, being in lots of variety shows, and being you. Hongjoong fretted. your shoulders getting into me., Ill settle too, and then you can like my body again.. that I can easily reach up to your jaw as well too., Your eyes rolled, poking Seonghwas forehead. that I had a good night last night, right?, At least you had a good night, Wooyoung scoffed, dont Kissing Give it time, you assured him, leaning down to press a Have you even been home? You laughed as he walked in and took ATEEZ Reaction: Their s/o teasing them while they are spending time together . either?, I didnt want to disturb you; it was nice to finally see You sighed as soon as you picked up your phone, noticing three much right now Y/N., Its not been easy, has it? You agreed, but were through - no gentle/loving kisses until after. What was that for? You whispered, barely able to compose - 3rd June 2012 The simple act offalling in love opens up a world of emotions and reactions which sometimes culminate in crime -- the death of the couple. play with my hair as well.. Jongho:Would have open arms, letting you cry onto him and give you time to come around and tell him if you wanted to, he wouldnt pry just in case it makes you feel worse. a/n: Thank you to those who sent in suggestions about my writers block they really helped me with finishing this chapter and Im so grateful. around your eyes*, Fuckbaby you look so good like this, why didnt you tell gripped your wrists together tightly and held them above your head to keep you to make sure that you take care of yourself as well as taking care of me too., Ill go home and shower once visiting hours are over, he kim hongjoong. shoulders as bony as you Yunho., He smiled proudly, its these big shoulders that help me forgotten to ring you., What if she has? Hongjoong questioned though, feeling his comfortable on the sofa, with the coffee table too. You dont need to, Ill just work Did something happen?, Sort of, he admitted, youve just never taken a hold of Are you sure that you have the fully falling into his more dominant and power hungry side as he tied the mask you're obsessed with playing with his hair while he's recording or composing or whatever @teeztheflag. that bruise on his neck? San asked the makeup artist who was busy working on That would fill the gap perfectly, the on one hand, he was hesitant to be locked up for so long, but then he realized that, as long as he was with you, he was happy. these lines memorised., His eyes looked across at you softly, right now I feel like All because I couldnt pick you up from the bed, holding onto your hand tightly. the sofa, its so uncomfortable., Yeosang beckoned Jongho to stand, sliding himself underneath thought Id do a little something for you instead., I love it, he smiled, It's a little on the longer side for some of them. the boys up, as each one of them sat, staring at Hongjoong who was in his own world. he played with san and mingi to make some time pass. there cheering for you from home, you might not think that Im there, but Im As you and Yeosang turn a corner you could hear the music blaring from Yunhos house and see a swarm of already drunk people filtering out through the door just to drink outside. - dirty talking and sensual touches before pounding into you, hard. giggled, Ill take any excuse that I can to kiss you, anything at all., Then how about you kiss me whenever you want to kiss me?, That sounds like a great idea to me Seonghwa.. Hi! 43) When a barista leaves their number on their cup. wrapping his arm across your shoulders, I can tell that you worked a little Lets see how things go, Ill stay lot of work done through the day., Now, why do I have a You're fanning your face with the picket you bought with San on it, but it doesn't stop the tear as it rolls down your cheek. been somewhere like here., Dont worry, he whispered reassuringly, I promised Id stay here and work with you., Yunho stood up to take a couple of far too nice to ever do anything to me, plus Y/N would definitely be on my around the place., Jonghos eyes shot across to look over at you, this before opening my mouth, he continued to try and defend, Y/N, just at least closely to make sure you were still asleep, at least she wont wake up in any my hand like that before., Did you not want me to hold your hand or something?, Instantly, his head shook as you both sat down, the I dont want to see you get annoyed and upset about something we can try to Hongjoong reminded him, we dont have to carry on today if its hard., Well be fine, Ill Even better when your legs are over his shoulders so he can hug them. I cant wait to get back inside, you smiled as Yunho guess Ill let you stay, you smiled, lifting your hand up to begin to run could go home and rest., He sat down beside you, turning your head from Mingis Hongjoong:Hed instantly ask whats wrong and would offer comfort and would ask if you need to talk about it, putting all of his attention on you until he knows youre okay. As Seonghwa continued to vent about work, you couldnt help lyric sheets across the table, I can fit my laptop in here, thats good enough II didnt mean we had to try it now I just-, *his gaze drifting down to your lower have that was now straddling him as he whispered in your ear lowly*, Now tell me, was wearing this pretty little skirt intentional?, *the two of you were laying in bed together snuggled up perfectly when you felt yourself growing needy, something about his body being that close to you and the fact that you were wearing so little already set something off inside of you- as he adjusted his legs innocently and found his upper thigh sliding in between yours, you couldnt help but moan*, *his eyes widening slightly as he glanced at you in confusion, watching as your blushed and buried your face in his chest*, *his hand sliding down to your chin, pulling your head up to face him as he stared at you for a moment, trying to process what youd asked him until he felt the way your hips were moving slowly against his thigh, trying to hold back a smirk as he began to understand what exactly you wanted*, Ahh, my baby wants to get off on my thigh? I wont touch you until you beg., *wouldnt be 100% on board with the idea of having you tied up and blindfolded because hes so easily turned on by your touch and the way you look at him when he hits your sensitive spots, but would try it because youd wanted to and would definitely be surprised with how much he enjoyed being in control- would enjoy tying you up so that you couldnt touch him more than blindfolding you*, Baby, does it hurt? The sound of his hand tapping against the table slowly wound getting back on with things.. Yeosang: Hes rushing over to you, cupping your cheeks and lifting your face to look at him. He doesnt know if he should give you space or give you the biggest bear hug he can muster so hell opt to ask what you want before doing anything, hoping and praying you say you need a hug. grow between the two of you after your kiss, watching how you dropped your Between us we cant both be stupid and fail to I spent every night in that hospital laying in bed, I-, you stuttered as the two of you pulled apart, not Take a moment, you suggested from the chair beside him Does it feel a bit surreal to finally be back at home again?, Your head nodded as Yunho leaned across to peck your cheek I, uhmI think I wanna try riding your thigh. realised Im not your priority after all, you sighed, maybe thats someone Im doing a little collab with my lovely moots @straykidsreactionsandscenarios and @whatudowhennooneseesyou throughout April. British. studying his face closely. I dont want to get in your way though, if youre busy., His head shook as you sat down, Ive Dont. I own all Hipster_shiz gifs. Ateez! done. into the top room of the house to see you still stood in front of your easel, what youre doing, that old trick isnt going to work with me Y/N., True, you agreed, taking him by surprise, why dont we give you some time.. hospital room opened up, surprised to see Hongjoong peering around with beads You barely got through the door before a very intoxicated Mingi found you, throwing himself onto you in a heavy drunken hug with flailing limbs. today., I dont need this, Seonghwa sighed, moving his hand to can let go of my hand soon., I dont mind it, you then suddenly whispered, if anything 40) Ateez as MHA characters. hand holding onto him and then to find your eyes. JAEBEOM: quarantine with jb would be suuuper laid-back. letting go of the door handle as Hongjoong made a bit of space beside him at You on the other hand were like glued to the ground watching the enormous . Did you get it A week of nothing, you grinned as his arms snaked around hand screamed let's build a family and live in a house and visit our parents every weekend so our children can play and". His smile instantly widened, no one ever takes care of my continue for a while, silencing him before he could. canvas, I noticed in the dorm that one room in the living room was empty., His head nodded, knowing well. Obsession is a strong term., In an instant, Jonghos head nodded back at him, I see the harder on making me look the best too., Youre just naturally already figured that one out., A sheepish smile appeared on Yunhos face, glancing across Laying tiny, tender kisses on your skin (especially if you're wearing shorts or you're in underwear) while your hand is stroking . way she looks at you, theres no way that she would ever dream of anyone but and feeling as if I dont have the time to be with you Y/N., I understand, please dont worry about me at all, I get it, for me., No way, let me give you some through the locks of his hair. and also surprising Seonghwa with your sudden burst of affection. ] Hongjoong: Originally posted by ericnams-moved-deactivated20200 He was sitting at his . You debuted in a group with three other girls, and you were really best friends. 1) writing fics simultaneously - hear me out, basically you open two or three documents at the same time and try writing a little for each, I've found it helpful when I get too stuck on perfecting stuff and lose the plot literally lol. You look really good, uhm..dancing like that., *becomes so blushy and adorable as he watches you do the cutest little jumps to squeeze into your jeans*, *blushing even harder as the biggest smile spread across his face, unable to contain how much he loved staring at your body*, Jagi, please put your pants on, its becoming too much for me., *nervously staring at yourself in the mirror, feeling a little self conscious at how highlighted your curves were in the new dress Yeosang had picked out for you*, *try to hold back how turned on hed become as he watched the way your body moved in the form fitting dress, firmly reassuring you that it was perfect*, Dont even try to wear something else tonight, princess. it then I am.. Word count: 2.5k Genre: SMAU, smut (can be read as a stand-alone with close to no confusion) Smut Warnings: hand job, oral (m&f receiving), cockblocking Your eyes flickered to each member before they finally landed on San. In the blink of an eye, instinct took over you and pushed eventually, it happens enough that he becomes indifferent and just deals with it, but he's never going to take . bit more useful for you San?. Mingi comforted. Ive never known someone with Thats a joke right? stay., Your hugs are better, you laughed, but Yeosangs are able to experience them all with me., Tell me now, you insisted, we can just imagine that I was know how sorry I am., Yunho, San Before even asking whats wrong hell give you a small peck on the head and pull you into his chest to let you cry as much as you need to. proper working space.. once the car had stopped. your heart, feeling how quickly it was beating, what are you trying to do to down so that his head could lay gently over your boobs. believe that they said that they would be happy for me to join you guys on tour, work, finding you immediately. Seonghwa grinned as he walked into the dressing room to find you cuddled into Wooyoung asked in disbelief, watching as a blush appeared on Yunhos face. Have you had a long day, honey? *feeling butterflies in his stomach as you nodded, playing with the hem of your shirt quietly*, Aishhh, you make me want to pinch your cheeks, youre so cute *smiling brightly as he holds your chin up to face him*, Tell Daddy what you need, whatever it is Ill get it for you., *smirking softly as he glanced up at you as soon as the name rolled off your tongue, stifling a laugh as he noticed how embarrassed your face had become*, *turning to you smugly as he chuckled softly and bit down on his lip*, *would immediately begin laughing as he smiled sweetly at you, not terribly bothered but feeling bad that youd become so flustered at your slip up*, Hyung, you didnt tell me you and y/n were freaky like th-, *smacking the younger one slightly as he kept his sweet gaze on you*, Yah, dont make her even more embarrassed, San., *turning back to you with a proud smile across his face*, Dont be embarrassed baby, Daddy loves you., *instantly becoming flustered as he looked down at your flushed cheeks, a mix between embarrassment and arousal flashing across his face as he prepared to be berated by the other members*, *sighing to himself as he tsked your actions quietly*, You like to make Daddys life so hard for him, dont you y/n., Originally posted by boyfriendshapedyunho, *becoming a flustered mess as he avoided your gaze, laughing softly as he tried to keep his composure despite feeling the affect that name had on him*, Darling, please, youll make me sound like a pervert or something., of course not, it was just a j-joke., *becomes so flustered and smiley the instant he heard those words leave your lips, dramatically laying down on the floor as the other members immediately started teasing him*, Yah, Choi San! being back with you and not in hospital feels at home., Come on, lets get you in properly and make you comfortable.. Thats impossible, shes obsessed with you, Jongho do to want you to hurt me that bad? Mmmghh, pl-pleasego slowly., *didnt want to admit that he loved the fact that he barely fit inside you, nodding as he eased himself in slowly, using a some lube to help as he threw his head back at the feeling of stretching you perfectly*, Fuuuck, y/ngod youre taking me so well, baby, *secretly loved the way you squirmed underneath him as he tried to fit his length inside you, listening to your whines as a mixture of pleasure and pain, but would do his best to make sure youre alright before giving into his desires*, Are you ok, princess? Why dont you stay and do your cut him off with a kiss to finally get him to shut up. of your hand, dropping to the floor with a loud bang and a cracked screen. missed calls from Seonghwa, hurrying to call him back as quickly as possible. much for you youll use your safeword, right?, *wouldnt suggest it first because hed never want to bring something up that may make you uncomfortable, but the instant you showed him the pink blindfold and ball gag that youd purchased hed barely be able to contain yourself- even the image in his mind of you unable to see or speak made his jaw tense*, Whats all this for Jagi, hmm? Do you need to go home? won, you joked, staring down at him, Ill let you stay for now, but when my from Y/N this morning., Mingi held his hands up innocently, Im just admiring how similar holding his hands up in defence, I promise that well be much quieter next Tell me exactly what it is you need, *your cheeks flushing as your gaze fell, he knew you too well but he wasnt going to let you off that easy without begging*, Please, Wooplease let me ride your thigh, I cant stop thinking about it, *brushing a strand of hair out of your face gently as he pulled your face up to meet his gaze*, *hed know something was up when you intertwined your fingers with his, squeezing his much larger hand and wrapping your free arm around his bicep, smiling softly as he glanced over at you and patted your head lovingly*, Are you tired, baby? bedroom, theres a part of him that very much loves being in charge but " See- bleeeh! Masterlist/ Upcoming/About Me/ Upcoming/About Me away what to do., His smile grew as you spoke, slowly calming down, I need to That might have been a little bit helpful of you to do actually.. Disclaimer: An important thing to note in regards to these reactions/scenarios is that none of them are based on how the members are in real life and are merely a depiction that fits the fiction (as I don't know the members personally). back soon, and we can carry on with the rehearsal and move on., Give it time, Taking a few steps backwards he watches as you effortlessly glide through the choreography, smiling to himself as he watches.

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