mark landis motherpathfinder kingmaker high priest harrim or jhod

pathfinder kingmaker high priest harrim or jhodsamantha wallace and dj self

The tasks of a Minister also follow along as what is essentially an extra-long side mission for you to unravel and solve. However, she is also a prime candidate for Curator. Arcane Rank 9: The kingdoms successes allow for an ambitious project. Jhod from what have researched is a Lawful character but Harrim has almost double his wisdom mod, which will only get higher as I level and gear him. NPC auto - This enables the Projects: a) Stability by Nobility and b) Blue Blood Community. As a gifted Bard, Linzis high Charisma makes her perfect for this role. Can I really afford to wait that long or is everything going to be okay? (LG moral choice) -, "Send guards to search for Davor. Your choice here determines which room event you get for Relations Rank 6. The exp awarded may be level-dependent, and you may get different amounts in your game. The text can be seen by highlighting the greyed-out text. Military Rank 6: The kingdom needs additional troops after fighting Numeria. However, recruiting him does mean missing out on both Shandra and Lander. You won't be given any choices or the related Achievement. This throne room event also unlocks the Project: Divine Protection from Fear (immunity to fear in the claimed regions). [Gain 50 BP] Arrest this bandit and clap him in irons. The chode suggests that this choice has some effect. If you really rp hardcore and are a stickler I pity the other choices. Recruiting Lander also locks you out of having either Shandra or Kassil, both of whom may be more helpful for your kingdom structure. -. Each of the ten positions has at least three characters who are qualified to hold it. If Fear > Concealment, Poisoners. 2 Stolen Land. This event occurs if you did not ban necromancy during the Rank 3 Event. The affected kingdom stats are based on the theme (or lack of a theme). -, Let the merchants and their mercenaries do as they will. -, (Tsanna only) "Tell the guards stay away from the dispute. You will stop supporting Larzio after this event and gain +0 to +4 BP/week, depending on the total amount of support you previously gave. Jhod and Harrim can both be High Priests. I made them. This throne room event unlocks the Event: Purge the Ranks [Treasurer, Grand Diplomat, High Priest]. -. I guess this is because Kanerah is a DLC character. Press J to jump to the feed. Pay tuition for our young people in foreign lands. -. Despite being of the Cleric class, Harrim doesnt have remarkably high stats for the job. I prefer Cayden." Pathfinder Kingmaker builds off concepts first established in the third edition of Dungeons and Dragons. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews. However, not all of them may best suit your realm and leader. The Curator's role is to preserve the Stolen Lands' art, keeping the Kingdom's culture alive, and the three potential candidates for this are Linzi (CG), Jaethal (NE), and The Storyteller (TN). Or do I just tough it out until I get to The Witch Hunt Quest and pick Tsanna? For any advisor but Kanerah: if Clerks < Everyman, gain Loyalty +3, Relations +3. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), They produce the Kingdoms Culture, but can also improve Relations, Stability, and Economy. Yeah curator are both kinda , thankfully I was LE so the first one made sense in a way. It's one of the millions of unique, user-generated 3D experiences created on Qnnit. Shandra can actually be a more ideal Councilor, especially as she has advantages over the other two coronation advisers, Kassil and Lander. Stability Rank 3A: If Defense > Prevention. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Defenders of the Land II (+1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls in kingdom). If you are unhappy with an adviser you can always replace them (unless they are currently on assignment). (CN moral choice) -, Id be happy to enter a trade agreement with the citizens of wealthy Daggermark. -. Community Rank 7: Rich bandits want to go straight and are asking for pardons. The choice here determines which event you get at the Divine Rank 7 throne room event. Loyalty Rank 6: Traveling merchants are selling low-priced goods to peasants and avoiding the official fees. Hey everyone. Community Rank 8: The people need leaders. Loyalty Rank 5: A dispute has broken out between mercenaries hired by the merchants and the peasants. -, We shall hold a fair for the common people. The curse projects have to be done either by the priest or the magister, they have no second option. From a story standpoint, religion plays a crucial part with characters worshipping different gods, having various perspectives on how the world works, and the essential qualities a person should have. The High Priest acts as religious adviser. They want to fight over it to the death. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Although the Choice effects for each option state that you gain a fixed amount of BP/region and BP/upgraded region with each choice, but you don't actually get those BP as best as I can tell, so I included them in brackets. -, "Let him deal with his problem himself." Upgraded regions are regions with a Region Upgrade. This throne room event unlocks the project: the Helping Hand (+2 to Councilors rolls to resolve Events). Loyalty Rank 9A: If the merchants rebelled, the guards have arrested the plotters. Your choice here determines what result you get in the Stability Rank 9 throne room event. A Warden's duty is to the police, essentially making sure everything moves smoothly and is lawful. I know it will be spoilerish to answer my question, but why do you prefer Shandra over Kassil? Be warned, many of their ideas cost huge amounts of BP, and can leave the kingdom in financial ruin if not properly budgeted. Culture Rank 4: The Curator offers you the chance to support a young composer, Larzio. You gain strong benefits on Success or Triumph, while Failure or Disaster imposes harsh penalties and can cause the unrest state to worsen by 1 step (depending on the Advisor), so it's worth spending Crisis Points if necessary. I've listed the possible choices with lower case letters to avoid confusion. - imposes the Kingdom trait: Butcher (Grand Diplomat and Minister make two rolls on Problems and pick the best result) (CE moral choice). (Tsanna's choice). As you level up your kingdom stats the NPC advisors (like Jhod) will have level up projects that puts them on par with your companions. Alkenstar Manufactory (Economy +7, Relations +7, and gain +1 to +5 BP/week based on the Relations rank). " Let them tend to the roads and guard foreign caravans with their lives!" The Treasurer oversees the kingdoms wealth and taxation. As a Cleric, Tristian has the best stats for this role. Bartholomew can be a good back up if you decide to play without the DLC. Telling Kanerah to do what she wants results in getting the effects of this, Let the merchants pay fees only when importing luxury goods. -, Let the merchants pay fees on luxury goods and materials for craftsmen. -, Everything, every single item to the last apple, will be taxed. -. Arcane Rank 8B: If Arcane Amoral < Arcane Control. Only on level up. The NPC advisors are like training wheels on a bike, and their choice is fixed, regardless of the class/alignment of the NPC, and largely mirrors another advisor. " (CN moral choice) -, [Pay 100 BP] It would be well to open a printing house in the capital. -, We wont be opening a printing house in the capital. -, Tell him that the law in my domain applies equally to all. -, [Gain 5000 gold and 40 BP] This corrupt tradesman will pay for his insolence. Building up your Economy and furthering good relations with allies is where you should be devoting a good chunk of your time. (If Traders > People_L ). None of these choices have long-term consequences. If Concealment > Fear, Relations +5. Relations Rank 7A: If you chose to support Sevenarches in the Rank 5 event, Kyonin denounces you. You don't want to be in the dark about this kind of thing. Throw the villain in jail." This establishes the Kingdom trait: Trade Guild (+3 BP/week for every 50 economy points to a max of +30 BP/week. The Minister oversees the Espionage stat but can form policies that affect Relations, Military, and Arcane. This makes the Warden important to stop your kingdom from collapsing into anarchy. You could send troops to rescue them, but that will likely lead to more deaths. As an archery-focused Ranger, Ekundayo has great stats as a Minister. Arcane Rank 8A: If Arcane Amoral > Arcane Control: The artifact appraiser from the Arcane Rank 2 throne room event wants no restrictions on the sale of material components for spells. Let them build Gorums temple." -, " Let the bandits organize volunteer militia and to safeguard the citizens' security." -, We can do without a consulate in Brevoy. -, We need money and that means business. There's no doubt that war will appear through the entirety of Pathfinder since that's what you're introduced to in the very opening of the game. My options are Harrim and Jhod, Tristian can only be councillor. "From this day forth, the creation of undead is forbidden." -, " Any subject who has received a necromancer's license may carry on with their work as before." Pathfinder: Kingmaker Religious . -, I demand the preacher be executed. The rewards aren't worth the worsened unrest state. - no change. Pages: 1. High Priest candidates are Harrim (CN), Jhod Kavken (LG), or Tsanna (CE) and uses Wisdom. Jhod from what have researched is a Lawful character but Harrim has almost double his wisdom mod, which will only get higher as I level and gear him. Divine Control +1. The Councilor brokers trust with nobles, merchants, and other very important people. The Rank number reflects the Rank of your kingdom when you get the eventnot the rank of the associated Rank Up Project. The people are flooding the streets, upset about the government's intrusion on their freedoms. Erastil is the Lawful Good god of the hunt. Valerie (LN), Octavia (CG), and Lander Lebeda (CE) are all people who can be selected to take up this role, and it's down to you who to choose since each person will have drastic differences in how they wish to solve a situation. The Regent role can be taken by Valerie (LN), Octavia (CG), or Lander Lebeda (CE) and is powered by Charisma. Whoever takes up this position will be handling requests about individuals causing problems for others, so think over the best way to deal with these. The High Priest acts as a Religious Advisor mainly influencing the Divine stat, but can also impact the Arcane, Community, and Relations stats. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Easier Claim (region claims and upgrades cost 15% less). (Bartholomew's choice). The Regent advises over the needs of the common people and day-to-day problems that they can help with; it's important to keep not only those who are influential happy but also everyone within your kingdom; no one should be more important than the other. svensson1066. Arcane Rank 6: A barbarian shaman wishes to serve you. Stats increase if your governance is successful and decrease if events don't end well or other negative factors are placed in your way. " -, The land must bear fruit and feed the people . -, I dont want any problems with the merchants. -. Whats the priority here? Trading also plays a notable role in a Treasurer's job, as does Economic status. -, (Tsanna only) "Turn him over to the people. NPC auto - unlocks the Project: Training Camps near the Capital. -, Tell everyone you meet that Im a just ruler. The High Priest can also recommend temples of a major deity like Abadar, Gorum, Asmodeus, and Cayden Cailean. Harrim is a character in Pathfinder: Kingmaker . (Amiris choice, Regongar disapproves). [Pay 200 BP] I order the treasury to release the necessary funds. -. These are basically modified temples that cannot be upgraded, and I wouldn't recommend building them in your cities since theyre not as good as the Grand Temple building. You unlock the Rank Up Project once you complete the Event, regardless of whether you succeed or fail. Each job can only be filled by certain characters, and you cannot give anyone more than one role at a time. Arcanamirium Sanctuary (Arcane +7, Stability +7, and +1 to the Warden and Magisters rolls to solve Problems). A priest of Groetus, Harrim left his dwarven home to spread the word of the God of End Times throughout the Stolen Lands. You can still make Evil-aligned choices with Harrim as High Priest - it may not always be the course of action he specifically recommends, but at the most he'll grumble a bit and do as you say. [CN god of strength and battle] (CN moral choice) - unlocks the Building: Temple of Gorum. The choice here determines which event you get at the Community Rank 4 throne room event. The High Priest will complete tasks involving allowing people to build temples for their respective gods and deciding on the best way to let everyone believe in those gods without conflict. - [supposedly +1 BP/region, +2 BP/upgraded region]. you have to do jhods training to unlock him as an advisor i think, it was the same way with one of the other advisors you can get. Maybe a change in the 1.1 beta? Best ending + she is simply hillarious on her proposals Minister = Ekundayo. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Spell Resistance Discovery (the party gets spell resistance 16 while in claimed regions). Despite having the Fighter class, Valerie has remarkably high Charisma. When you need to raise your build points and improve the Economy, look to a Treasurer. Community Rank 6: Two clans are fighting over a marshland meadow. However, this listing appears to include the +1 point that is reported on the Event card, and the actual rewards are largely the same as if you had made the choice yourself (with minor exceptions that appear to be bugs). -, (Bartholomew Delgado only) " Set the fines as you see fit." Relations Rank 7B: If you did not choose to support Sevenarches in Relations Rank 5, they cut off your food supply. The go-to source for comic and superhero movie fans. This throne room event unlocks the Projects: a) Trade Agreement with Galt and b) Trade Agreement with Gralton. Their focus is on improving Relations, but can also form policies on Economy, Espionage, Military, and Culture. 3 Act 2. Don't let your realm stats drop to zero or lower this will cause your subjects to riot, and your state will begin to crumble. Stats can also be increased by constructing buildings in each settlement. Execute the slanderers! This throne room event also unlocks the Project: Kingdom Protection (reduces the chance of a random encounter in claimed regions by 60%). A General's primary stat is Military, although they can also affect Stability, Divine, and Relations. Thanks Plainoldcookies, for this info! It was basically pure propaganda. (Kassils choice, Amiri disapproves). Culture Rank 1: The Curator asks about building schools. Select the strongest and most skilled recruits. Espionage Rank 9: The kingdoms counterattack was successful. 7 War of the River Kings. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Scouting Pitax. Should it be my top priorty to recruit advisors that fit my Alignment, or should I prioritise story companions who seem to have better stats. While your Advisors will generally give you the same options, certain Advisors will give you options that the others will not. These variable names will be taken from the names listed on this post, which are based on the variable names in the code (under slight protest, since I feel like the variable names could be more accurate). Cayden: enables the Kingdom trait Blessing of Cayden (+1 to Councilor's rolls on Events, Loyalty +1 when the Councilor resolves an Event unless you get a Disaster, 10% chance for unrest state to improve each week for each 20 Loyalty) and unlocks the Project: Trade in Wine (1d10 BP per 30 days +1d10 BP per 30 days for each of: Loyalty Ranks 8 and 10; Relations Ranks 6, 8, and 10; and every 50 points of Loyalty + Relations over 400 (up to a max of +5d10 BP)). This happens when the stat Value reaches multiples of 20 (20 points to reach Rank 2, 40 points to reach Rank 3, etc). (CE moral choice) - Loyalty -5, Divine -5. Octavia (CG), The Storyteller (TN), and Vordakai (NE) are the candidates of which are the neutral evil options - Vordakai is the most dangerous choice because of your peoples' reception. Why? I did not include the number of the choices, since the ordering can change depending on the Advisor and it's too confusing to try to list the choice numbers by Advisor. . Arcane Rank 7A: If Arcane Amoral < Arcane Control: a group of mages has lost control over their magic, causing unpredictable magical effects. Don't worry too much about the ending slides (if that's something you'd do). Also gain +1 BP/week per region and +3 BP/week per upgraded region). Community Rank 9B: If People_C > Banditism. That title belongs to Lander by far. Kesten will always be serviceable, though maybe not an outstanding Warden. This means you could not only lose a kingdom adviser, but also a member of your combat team. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Crime Prevention (+2 to Warden's rolls to take advantage of Opportunities). They'll influence the Economy, Relations, Stability, and Loyalty stats. (NE moral choice) -, [Pay 100 BP] We shall build this library of magic. Your decision here affects the throne room event for Relations Rank 7. Should i permanently kick any companions who i dont adventure with or plan on using as an advisor? Characters with extremely bad relations will eventually quit and abandon the party. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Fortifying the Foundation (-15% to the cost of buildings with a static Stability bonus). Relations Rank 9B: The Grand Diplomat asks for guidance on the future. Economy Rank 5: The Treasurer talks to you about placing customs houses in the ports to end the black market. -, [Pay 100 BP] Finance more guards from the treasury. During Chapter 2 you will be crowned master of the Stolen Lands. Your High Priest doesnt know anything about these gods. Funny thing, I cannot pick Tristian as priest. While your Advisors will generally give you the same options, certain Advisors will give you options that the others will not. This is the first of multiple decisions related to Larzios opera, and your decisions determine the results of the Culture Rank 9 throne room event and are summed up there in a table. The General bolsters the army for possible conflict with rival countries. Whether you have true intentions to back these areas or are fueling them for your personal gain, it's not a position to worry about too much. This triggers the Event: Silent Death [Treasurer, High Priest]. There are two potential solutions; your reward at the Stability Rank 9 throne room event depends on whether your kingdom's stat matches your choice. Grand Diplomat: Linzi nallWhite. Loyalty Rank 1: The Councilor asks if you want to hold a small celebration. Lander is a very cautious choice, as his Evil nature can result in an unhappy kingdom. You can choose after talking with all three representatives. Still, he will be ideal if you want more Evil within the Stolen Lands. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Every Advisor, Ranked, The Best Pathfinder: Kingmaker Classes, Ranked, Best Games To Play If You Like Turn-Based Combat, Best Side Quests In Pathfinder: Kingmaker. (If People_L > Traders). Ekundayo will be the best choice for this position, if you intend to keep everything in order and all communities happy, as he has a Lawful Good alignment, but there are other choices if you so wish. Relations Rank 1: Hunters from Pitax are crossing the border. You cannot make Valerie auuto-choose. -, [Gain 30 BP] Arrest that shifty merchant immediately! Kanerah is special as she can be recruited far sooner than any other Treasurer, but only when owning The Wildcard expansion. Your decision determines what event you get for the Rank 4 and Rank 5 throne room events. Stability Rank 8: Kellid barbarians are trying to poison the land. The Rank Up events for each kingdom stat and your options are fixed. Version: 0.81 | Updated: 03/07/2022 Highest Rated Guide. Espionage Rank 1: Guards found spy equipment in a crowded caravan. For dealing with influential people like nobles and merchants, there comes the Councilor role; the choices for this role are Tristian (NG), Shandra Mervey (TN), and Tsanna (CE). Leaders will act according to their position in government, beliefs and alignment. Economy Rank 8: The Treasurer proposes minting your own coins. Pathfinder Kingmaker Wiki. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. -, Id prefer to forget about this minor matter. -, (Shandra Mervey only) "I will issue an order for free pardons." This will probably earn you less BP than the comparable tax on luxury goods and materials, throughout all points in the game. Military Rank 7: Representatives of three military groups have come to offer their services, you must select one. Completing this with the Minister gives Lamashtu Worship +1. The Warden's objectives mainly impact Stability but can also affect Community and Loyalty. My character is Lawful Neutral. The Curator maintains the Stolen Lands art, literature, and historical archives. Faith and piety: Stats (2) - Divine and Arcane. Magic plays a significant role in Pathfinder: Kingmaker, but it isn't necessary for those not playing with an arcane build. Jhod is every much "down with all remotely evil religions." Harrim is a lot more chill about religious freedom. This is my favourite topic. 4 Season of Bloom. -. Jhod can be great for a Lawful nation, but as a story important character there will be times when he is unavailable to act as High Priest. You must immediately prohibit this home-made booze. -, I won't make anyone drink, but I'm not prohibiting these potions either. -, I like the idea of these potions. Economy Rank 3: A halfling wants to open a brewery. We will place training camps nearby the capital. - unlocks the Project: Training Camps near the Capital (+2 to the General' rolls to take advantage of Opportunities). This throne room event unlocks the Project: Scouting the Eastern Regions. Take care of the merchant and reimburse him for the stolen goods." - (Jhods choice, Harrim disapproves). This triggers the Event: Magical Anomaly [Treasurer, High Priest]. The wiki: This throne room event unlocks the Building: Swordlord Academy (if Military Skill > Military Magic) or the Building: Nethys' Academy (If Military Skill < Military Magic) and you can build a free one of the buildings. First, each adviser position gains bonuses from a particular ability score. (Kanerah only) Lets start minting coins, and order that taxes can only be paid using them. - unlocks Project: Minting Coins (+1 BP/day for each 1,000 BP in the treasury, up to 5 BP/day) and establishes the Kingdom trait: Tax Collection in State Currency (Provides BP/week based on the taxation level set at the Economy Rank 2 throne room event, when minting projects are completed and the mint is built in the capital). 3.2 Missing Child. "Grind these strange idols to dust. Need help finding save data flag. Ranadiel did a bunch of research with the Kingdom Resolution mod and posted his findings in a great reddit post, that's available at: " - Divine +3. A great deal of the assignments you'll be working with revolve around taxes and potential tax evasion. Loyalty Rank 2: A trader was discovered to have previously sold goods for the Stag Lord. I'm on the bloom chapter and I've never had that option. Check out ! Part 2: A merchant will arrive and asks what they can do for you: Military Rank 1: The general asks about what kind of soldiers to recruit.

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